Re: neuro mods.....

From: Stirling Westrup (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 03:16:59 MST

john grigg wrote:

> And yet the world would be a better place if people could choose early in
> life certain neuro mods that gave them the type of maturity and emotional
> makeup they wanted for themselves. I have known so many people who dearly
> wish as youth they had the wisdom and maturity they have now in their later
> years.

People always want to change what is. I sometimes dearly wish that I had
*NOT* had as much maturity and wisdom in my youth as I did. I never did
have that feeling of invulnerability that the young are supposed to have,
and I always carefully weighed the pros and cons of any proposed plan of
action. The result was that I never did any of the 'wild and crazy' things
that my friends all remember so fondly, and would never do again...

 Stirling Westrup  |  Use of the Internet by this poster       |  is not to be construed as a tacit
                   |  endorsement of Western Technological
                   |  Civilization or its appurtenances.

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