Thoughts on the 1-hour Cryofreeze

From: Tim Ventura (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 00:13:51 MST

Interesting thought that virtually anyone could theoretically get suspended within one's one major obstacle to that, from (you guessed) Uncle Sam.

Currently, if a person dies under mysterious circumstances, they can be kept by the police or whoever until they get an autopsy performed on them. So not only do you not want to die in the woods, you'd better make it damned clear how your going to die. I realize that not that many autopsy's get performed (probably spelled that wrong, oh well..), but you know how it is--invest your life savings in cryofreeze and odds are your the one in one thousand that gets left out on the slab for a week while some retard tries to figure out what is was that you ate that killed you.

One of the logistical problems to cryofreeze would seem to be the inherent slowness of the government, funeral homes, and in fact the whole "death industry". It would make sense that customer service is not their greatest strongpoint, because, quite frankly, the only customers who would complain are dead. The relatives rarely want anything to do with it other than ensuring that the person gets buried "pretty soon"--which for many Americans would seem to be the "wait until the ground thaws" mentality.

How do you circumvent a problem like this? You could have on a medic-alert bracelet that says "Perishable, please refrigerate", but that probably will only confuse the medics...tim

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