NanoTechnology Chat Tonight

From: Jas A.I. (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 17:31:45 MST

CHAT: Nanotechnology

For More Info: - Nanotechnology in Science Fiction

Tuesday, February 22 at 9PM ET

The realm of nanotechnology, pioneered by scientist K. Eric Drexler,
involves machinery so small that it exists and works on the level of the
molecule and atom. Nanotechnology is one of the more frightening, exciting
and fecund areas for scientific and science-fictional speculation of the
past two decades. Log on and chat with authors Stephen Gillett, Wil
McCarthy, Kathleen Ann Goonan, and scientist M. Todd Washington as they
discuss this controversial field of inquiry and engineering.

This event is the latest in a series of chats with notable genre authors
co-presented by Asimov's Science Fiction. Asimov's and Analog Science
Fiction magazines are the leading publishers of SF short fiction today.
These two premiere publications are also awash with genre laurels. Asimov's
stories have won 29 Hugos and 24 Nebulas, and has received the last 10 Locus
Awards for best magazine. Analog, known for its hard science fiction and
cutting edge fact articles, is the longest running, almost continuously
published SF magazine in the world.

Connect your IRC software client to and join channel
#auditorium to participate. Chatters with a java-capable browser may use our
java chat client. WebTV users can follow this link.

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"The true man wants two things: danger and play.
For that reason he wants a woman, as his most dangerous
laything." -Friedrich Nietzsche

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