Re: what it's like to be uploaded

From: Octavio Rojas Diaz (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 14:51:46 MST

Well, in my case I think that uploading will happen gradually,the more
the technology advances, the nearer we'll get
to our goal, that in this case is to leave completely the physical
body temporarily or not, I suppose that first, we'll see some pretty
advanced VR,that will be generated thanks to the advances in computer
graphics, and they'll be maintained by people from several disciplines
ranging from artist and scientists, I suppose that maybe quasi
sentient or primitively sentient AI's will help in the generation and
mainteinance of computer generated worlds, the first will be very
limited tho, but then I suppose they'll start getting more complex,
and realistic although with realistic I mean that they'll feel more
like interacting in the physical world, but I think that our virtual
worlds will be all what we didn't have in our real one, and it'll
remove several limitations we have now. So considering all this I
suppose the uploading experience (specially on a mature system
prepared specially for this purpose) could be traumatic for the big
majory, however after the initial unpleasant sensations are felt and
we start getting more accustomed to the new places the majory of
people is going to like them, while I don't discard the possibility of
some people still complaining about this change, in a pretty similar
fashion to the recent GM FOODS oposition.

So how a digital world would be? I suppose it'll be divided into
diferent areas all with their own rules, customs and decoration, maybe
some will have music that suits the people that lives or visits those,
I also suppose that people will be able to create their own worlds and
invite their friends just like we do in irc or other similar pgorams,
I also suppose that being a collection of digital information, the
information exchange between one person and other will be
unprecedented, people will be better understood and we'll be able to
communicate in unthinkable ways, it'll be interesting to see the
amount of social change this will bring, I suppose that things like
telepathy, omniscience and omnipresence will be possible, with the
choice to turn on or off these abilities depending on the degree of
communication you want at a particular time, I wonder however if
there'll be a technology so the uploading process can be reversed so
we end in clones of our original bodies enchanced of course, or so we
could place our conscience in other hosts,maybe we'll enjoy our
virtual worlds so much nobody would want to leave. I can't even
imagine what will happen when all this gets combined with the
posibilities of mature nanotech.

Well that's just my vision, any comments?

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