Re: Joe Dees, Aristoi

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 12:17:17 MST

From: "john grigg" <>
Subject: Joe Dees, Aristoi
Date sent: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 05:43:08 PST
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> Joe Dees wrote:
> If such an entity plonks me, I simply consider the source - but not much.
> (end)
> I admit I am personally against filtering but I have no problem with others
> doing it as long as we each have our own options. Joe, I think you enjoy
> making provocations to get a reaction! Please, you are too good for this.
> I could imagine you and Mike Lorrey as both Aristoi with domaines that
> border eachother! Now that would be something!
It just irks me when a charter member of the extropian Cold Dead
Fingers Cabal has the unmitigated temerity and gall to dare to refer
to ME as the True Believer, while isolating himself from any
position which disagrees wiith the drift of his own chosen beliefs.
> sincerely,
> John Grigg
> Emlyn If you think you're being watched, be sure to look your best at all
> times.
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