Re: a teen's view of heaven and hell....

From: D.den Otter (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 10:24:46 MST

> From: john grigg <>

> I found the observations by Queenemuse quite perceptive on what some teens
> might find most appealling in terms of the classic, medieval Heaven and Hell
> scenario.

> Queenemuse wrote:
> Yeah... I mean even take a look at the two images the biblical artists
> giveus: Consider Hell: naked people being gorged with food, brimstone,
> torture chambers, forced todo things against their will, sex orgies, demons,
> fire, hobgoblins, etc., etc.Now let's look at Heaven:downcast eyed, pious,
> dour people in uncomfortable pews, praying or signinghymns, kneeling on hard
> wood- and everyone, even the guys, wear the samewhite dresses.Now if anyone
> has ever spent hours on their knees as a kid in those awfulpews, wishing it
> would, but secretly believing it would never which do you think
> would a normal, healthy hot blooded kid choose? ;-)

Yep, Hell sure kicks ass. Here are some fine tortures to
choose from. Or better yet, try 'em all!

Sin ~^~ Punishment
Pride...............broken on the wheel
Envy................put in freezing water
Anger...............dismembered alive
Sloth...............thrown in snake pits
Greed...............put in cauldrons of boiling oil
Gluttony............forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes
Lust................smothered in fire and brimstone

There are some relevant pictures at:

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