Re: Right Stuff for the Red Planet

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 13:52:23 MST

On Saturday, February 19, 2000 9:02 AM Doug Jones wrote:
> > I am much of the same mind here. But I also think the high cost of
> > transport now has a lot to do with the inefficient way in which
> > transportation operations work. Lowering the cost of transport is at
> > one major factor in lowering the overall cost of human survival in
> > (Also, if transport costs became superlow, then survival costs would
> > likewise plummet. I mean if it cost next to nothing to move supplies to
> > space, even extant life support systems could be used for long term
> > exploration and settlement of space.:)
> Perzackly. That's why I'm working for Xcor, and why I worked for
> RotRock.

And that's why I'm jealous!:)

Speaking of which, what's the latest on Roton? There have been no new
updates to their site of late.

If I were in the rocket business, I might just take some old design and work
with that -- so as to avoid high R&D costs. After all, the patents on the
Saturn V are now void, right?

Daniel Ust

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