Re: Kicked out of Sunday school.

Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 15:32:52 MST

In a message dated 2/18/2000 2:09:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< I mean hell must be a pretty good place if they keep telling me
 that's where everyone is going. >>

Yeah... I mean even take a look at the two images the biblical artists give
 Consider Hell:
 naked people being gorged with food, brimstone, torture chambers, forced to
do things against their will, sex orgies, demons, fire, hobgoblins, etc., etc.

Now let's look at Heaven:
downcast eyed, pious, dour people in uncomfortable pews, praying or signing
hymns, kneeling on hard wood- and everyone, even the guys, wear the same
white dresses.

Now if anyone has ever spent hours on their knees as a kid in those awful
pews, wishing it would, but secretly believing it would never end..

um.... which do you think would a normal, healthy hot blooded kid choose?
; - )

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