Re: Why Cryonics

From: Jim Hart (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 18:21:12 MST

Chris gives a good summary of the thinking he went through to decide
to sign up. However, it only touches lightly on the main thing motivating
most cryonicists: a positive view of the future. Chris
says he has "no fear of the future". This is rare. Even
most Extropians have some misgivings about some trends -- be
it towards less privacy, greater government control, nanotech
weapons of mass destruction, or being reanimated into an unfree,
sub-posthuman status. If one fears the direction of some trends,
or simply fears uncertainty, then it is natural to desire or at
least resign oneself to an eventual oblivion rather than the dread
of being reanimated into a radically different world.

Jim Hart
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