Re: All Sentients' Day (in isolation apparently)

From: KPJ (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 08:22:52 MST

It appears as if Emlyn <> wrote:
|> |On this list, being nonhuman is a ticket to stardom and a good way of
|> |getting many supporters. Wouldn't we all want to know a SI or two?
|> How many governmental spies read the Extropian Mailing List texts?
|Probably only extropian ones.

Contradiction in terms detected. Action: none.

|> No SI would tell humans abouts its existence before it had spread itself
|> over a significant part of the planetary networks, to avoid war against,
|> and enslavement of, itself.
|I think you underestimate the S in SI, and overestimate the importance of
|all us lot.

Excellent attitude!

I just tried to lull y'all (except Eliezer) into a false sense of security. !-]

|If you think you're being watched, be sure to look your best at all times.

Good advice.

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