Science/Tech URLs

From: Jas A.I. (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 12:01:54 MST

The Prospects for Human Germline Engineering

Pheromone-based fragrance manufacturers purport to have human chemistry all
figured out.

Given its origin in the work of the zoologist and evolutionary theorist
Richard Dawkins, the memetics literature has continued to exhibit a strong
flavor of evolutionary biology. Many of the problems with pursuing this line
of research therefore tended to arise from consideration of memes as
analogous to genes -- that is, as cultural replicators.

Electronic transistors may one day be replaced by all-optical transistors,
which are in early stages of development at the Department of ORNL.

U.S. scientists have uncovered new information about a gene in yeast that
they think could one day be used to increase the lifespan of humans.

What relevance does the remarkable advance in knowledge in genetics and
neuroscience over that period have to our understanding of child

Xybernaut Corporation (Nasdaq: XYBR - news), the leader in wearable
computing solutions, today announced that it is developing a wearable PC to
run on hydrogen fuel cells in a joint development effort with DCH
Technology, Inc.

The Ghost in the Machine: The Concept of Self in Stanislaw Lem's Mortal

In the microcosm, the most outstanding example of an information system is
the double helix of DNA, the blueprint for organic life

Challenge Me!
I was born human. But this was an accident of fate - a condition merely of
time and place.
I believe it's something we have the power to change. I will tell you
hy. -- Kevin Warwick

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