Re: Right Stuff for the Red Planet

From: James Swayze (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 20:08:15 MST

John Thomas wrote:
> From today's "Salon" newsfeed:
> >The right stuff for the Red Planet: At 35, Dava Newman's an MIT engineer

A little off the subject but can someone explain to me why people promoting the
terraforming of Mars still think it will hold a man made atmosphere despite the
believed theory that it lost it's atmosphere in the first place due to it's
diminutive size and thus lack of sufficient gravity? Don't get me wrong I want
us to go there and I feel we could live there. I believe, though, we can only
live there under a man made roof to hold in the atmosphere. I asked R. Zubrin
this question. All he said was go read his book. Geez, was a straight answer so
difficult? Perhaps he's only in it for the money as he was more interested in my
buying his book than answering a question that couldn't have taken but a few


"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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