Punk Rock chit chat (was Re: Optional Reading)

From: Travas Gunnell (travasg@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 07:16:21 MST

Well, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one. I suppose it makes sense
though, if I understood previous posts correctly, we're among the few with a
more proletarian origin. The punk chicks always seemed to be artsy types
too. ;-) Jello still sings as well; you might be interested in "Lard",
it's essentially Ministry with Jello doing vocals. One can always count on
Jello stirring shit somewhere.


>Ah, Jello was a staple of my puberty. (saw him play-"too drunk to bleep" in
>S.F.) Also two years ago he was at the Chico state campus, where I payed
>seven bucks to see his "spoken word" in which he discussed the inane social
>structure we live in today, with wit and fresh insight. Concerning a role
>politics, at least I know who Jello Biafra really is.
>Gina "Nanogirl" Miller

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