Re: Phenomenology [unintentional]

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 00:55:00 MST

Date sent: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 17:58:11 +1100
From: Damien Broderick <>
Subject: Re: Phenomenology [unintentional]
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> I wrote, and my [internal] spellchecker stupidly corrected incorrectly:
> >At 05:04 PM 11/02/00 -0600, Joe Dees wrote:
> ><a precise of various people's views of stuff, adding: >
> No, what he wrote was a *precis* or summary, although it *was* admirably
> precise (if exceeding vague in intention).
Interesting choice of critique, considering that intentionality is one
of its (and phenomenology's) main themes. I do appreciate the
compliment contained therein. :~)
> Damien

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