Fw: Alcor Life Extension Conference: Register by March 1 for 10%Discount

From: Gina Miller (nanogirl@halcyon.com)
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 18:49:34 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: Foresight Institute <inform@foresight.org>
To: <inform@foresight.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 3:13 PM
Subject: Alcor Life Extension Conference: Register by March 1 for

> >K. Eric Drexler will keynote
> >The Fourth Alcor Conference on Life Extension Technologies
> >June 17-18, 2000
> >Asilomar Conference Grounds
> >Monterey Peninsula, Northern California
> >
> >Foresight has arranged a 10% discount on the conference registration fee
> >Foresight members who register before March 1, 2000 (put "Foresight
> >on the conference registration form). March 1 is also the deadline for
> >on-site lodging at Asilomar.
> >
> >Further information is at http://www.alcor.org/conf.htm
> >
> >The conference will cover topics relevant to life extension including:
> > biological and medical technologies
> > nanotechnology and nanomedicine
> > cryobiology
> > vitrification
> > genetic engineering
> > tissue engineering
> > medical nanodevices
> > molecular robotics
> > human therapeutic cloning
> > anti-aging medicine
> >
> >K. Eric Drexler, PhD, Foresight Institute
> >Time said "...a few centuries hence, the name Eric Drexler just might
> >alongside those of Einstein and Freud" while Newsweek called him one of
> >"100 people to watch in the next millennium." Hear the world's
> >foremost expert
> >on nanotechnology tell how to reach the 22nd Century alive and healthy.
> >Drexler is the author of Engines of Creation and Nanosystems: Molecular
> >Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation; the founding books in the
> >of Nanotechnology.
> >
> >Michael West, PhD, founder of Geron and now President & CEO of Advanced
> >Cell Technology, explains how human therapeutic cloning and totipotent
> >cells provide potentially limitless sources of cells for tissue
> >engineering and
> >transplantation medicine.
> >
> >Gregory Stock, PhD, New York Times #1 best selling author, speaker, and
> >Director of the UCLA Program on Medicine, Technology and Society explores
> >whether future technological advances will be so great that
> >corporeal existence
> >might be left behind by uploaders.
> >
> >Glenna Burmer, MD, PhD, LifeSpan BioSciences
> >Fred Chamberlain, BioTransport, Inc.
> >Gregory Fahy, PhD, 21st Century Medicine, Inc.
> >James Hughes, PhD, Univ. Chicago, Dept. Medicine
> >Ralph Merkle, PhD, Zyvex
> >Richard Morales, MD, Private Practice
> >Robert R. Newport, MD, BioTransport, Inc.
> >Tomas A. Prolla, PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin
> >Natasha Vita-More, Author, Artist
> >Brian Wowk, PhD, 21st Century Medicine
> >
> >Asilomar Conference Center
> >800 Asilomar Boulevard
> >Pacific Grove, CA 93950
> >Monterey Peninsula, California
> >Phone 831-372-8016
> >Fax 831-642-4261
> >
> >Enjoy the unique natural surroundings of Asilomar during this stimulating
> >conference. Asilomar is a National Historical landmark on the beautiful
> >Monterey Peninsula. Staying on-site is a memorable experience with
> >close and convenient. Within a short drive you can experience all the
> >attractions of the Monterey Peninsula: historic Monterey with Cannery
> >17-Mile Drive and Pebble Beach, Carmel, beautiful Point Lobos State Park,
> >the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and majestic Big Sur. Once you arrive, there
> >no driving and no hurry. Three excellent cafeteria-style meals are
> >each day. Everything including the beach and swimming pool is close and
> >convenient. Prices are dictated by the accommodations selected.
> >
> >Attendees are welcome to bring their families and may arrive early or
> >late to enjoy the Monterey Peninsula and take advantage of Asilomar's
> >economical food and lodging package. However, reservations must be made
> >in advance as Asilomar is very popular and sells out quickly. Save money
> >registering for the Conference in advance. Take advantage of the March 1
> >registration to get on-site lodging.
> >
> >Primary sponsor: Alcor Life Extension Foundation
> >Co-Sponsor: Foresight Institute
> >Academic Sponsors: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine;
> > Medicina Interna Gerontogeriatria y
> > Medicina Anti-Envejecimiento, A.C.
> >
> >Principle Sponsor: Future Electronics
> >Event Sponsors: James Halperin Foundation; Voxtran, Inc.
> >General Sponsor: BioTransport, Inc.
> >Supporting Sponsor: NanoTechnology Magazine
> >Basic Sponsor: Life Extension Vitamin Supplies
> >
> >Before March 1, 2000: $250 ($225 for Foresight members)
> >Before June 1, 2000: $300 (off-site lodging)
> >After June 1, 2000: $400 (off-site lodging)
> >
> >The Conference Registration fee is paid in addition to the cost of the
> >package which must be reserved directly through Asilomar (831-372-8016 or
> >the Alcor conference page at http://www.alcor.org/conf.htm).
> >
> >Make checks payable to Alcor. Checks and bank drafts must be in U.S.
> >drawn on a U.S. bank. Pre-registration must be received at Alcor by
> >June 8, 2000. After that time, you may register at the door.
> >
> >Reservations at Asilomar must be made directly with Asilomar and are
> >separate from the conference registration. Housing forms are available at
> >http://www.alcor.org/LET2000/reg.htm (Rates are per person & include 3
> >nights housing, tax and meals during the conference)
> >
> >Deluxe Single Room (per person): $413
> >Deluxe Double Room (per person): $260
> >Deluxe 3-4 to a Room (per adult): $212
> >Deluxe Youth Rate (Ages 3-17): $155
> >Historic Single Room (per person): $332
> >Historic Double Room (per person): $230
> >
> >Alcor Life Extension Foundation
> >7895 E. Acoma Dr. Suite 110
> >Scottsdale, AZ 85260
> >Fax: 480-922-9027
> >Phone: 877-GO ALCOR (877-462-5267, toll-free)
> >Web: www.alcor.org/conf.htm
> >
Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
Personal Web
E-mail: nanogirl@halcyon.com
"Nanotechnology: solutions for the future."

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