Re: No, no, *I*'m the toad! *I* get to be the toad! Me! Me! (was Re: For your amusement [Fwd: Your 'Dogma'])

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 20:24:02 MST

As with (G/g)ods(s), one can posit subtleties. :)

Rick Strongitharm wrote:
> "presumably" enjoyable?
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Michael M. Butler
> Sent: January 30, 2000 5:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: No, no, *I*'m the toad! *I* get to be the toad! Me! Me! (was
> Re: For your amusement [Fwd: Your 'Dogma'])
> Geeze, sounds like he was *licking* toads...
> Max More wrote:
> >
> > I thought some here might enjoy this email I just received. I found it
> > amusing but not interesting enough to reply to.
> >
> > Max
> ...
> > >with same? Your 'manifesto' reads very much like 'Think as I think or
> else
> > >you are a toad.' Rather be a toad Max than follow your 'New Golden Age
> of
> > >Reason' path which as history has repeatedly demonstrated leads directly
> to a
> > >well of misery. Have fun with your mental masturbation and intellectual
> > >circle jerk friends Max. John
> I have never understood why masturbation, a clean, safe and presumably
> enjoyable act for many, should be so denigrated. Actually examining the
> analogy, among other things, I have never been able to fail to notice
> that the general domain of mental "sex", supposedly superior in every
> way, would have to include: mental rape; the transmission of
> mentally-trasmitted, and other, diseases; the creation of unwanted
> mental children, some of which will become antisocial, some the result
> of mental incest or inbreeding; and sleeping on the mental wet spot.
> *rrrrrrggghghgh*
> He doesn't even know you don't kick agnostics off the list. ;) :)
> Toadly, like, fer sher,
> Mike

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