Re: SOC/BIO US consumers favor GM crops that reduce

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 08:26:19 MST


>>In a message dated 1/15/00 14:29:33, Greg Burch wrote:

>>HOUSTON (Reuters) - Nearly three-fourths of American consumers
>>would support genetically modified crops if the technology means
>>farmers can reduce pesticide use, according to a survey released
>>Tuesday by the American Farm Bureau.

>The #1 GM, Roundup-resistant soybeans, meets this criterium.
>Farmers can eliminate dicot weeds with just Roundup, rather than
>with the multiple herbicides needed to eliminate weed dicots
>without harming non-engineered soybeans. In addition, the farmer
>can reduce the acreage of soybeans, reducing water consumption,
>habitat destruction, etc.

Roundup soybeans are the exact OPPOSITE of this criterion!

The purpose of making them resistant is so they can use more
Roundup, not less.


Member, Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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