ART: a poetic wish

From: Kathryn Aegis (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 18:41:54 MST

Originally published in _Antipodean Science Fiction_,
a poetic thought, a wish, on this millenial eve:


If desire could transform,
the oceans between us would wash into these blue screens
and conduct my little lifeboat to yours.

we would become two tiny pulses of energy darting through the Net,
seeking and calling in the millions of bits
dashing across time zones and winding through lighted roadmaps
of all the cities we never got to visit.

It's in Oslo, I think, that I'll find you
below the dim fluorescents of a university lab,
where the systems guy chews a sandwich and curses as a can of soda
lands on his keyboard just as the phone rings again.

We zip across his screen unnoticed and duck into the mainframe.

Huddled against the cool metal wall, we touch.
Two tiny orbs converge into one glow
enraptured by discoveries not meant for words.
We drift there in the warm eddy of electrons,
anchored only by desire.

by EON

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