From rusty at Fri Apr 16 05:59:50 2021 From: rusty at (Rusty Russell) Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 15:29:50 +0930 Subject: [Lightning-dev] Replacement of invoices to handle stuck payments. Message-ID: <> Hi all, I've just added a simple addition to the proposed BOLT 12 offers spec, where invoice requests can ask to obsolete old invoices. This allows a simple workaround in the case where a payment is stuck: the vendor commits to a new invoice which obsoletes the old one, using the already-existing invoice_request message. If the vendor cheats and accepts both old and new payments, you can prove they lied. Or they can return an error which indicates they've already received the payment and it's simply the return which is stuck. Either way, it's now simple to implement, and gives wallets another option for handling these cases. Cheers! Rusty.