From rusty at Mon Nov 26 23:29:01 2018 From: rusty at (Rusty Russell) Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 09:59:01 +1030 Subject: [Lightning-dev] [META] Organization of 1.1 Spec Effort Message-ID: <> Hi all, As you may know, for 1.0 spec we had a biweekly Google Hangout, at 5:30am Adelaide time (Monday 19:00 UTC, or 20:00 UTC Q3/4). You can see the minutes of all meetings here: The current process rules are: 1. Any substantive spec change requires unanimous approval at the meeting before application. 2. Any implementation changes generally require two interoperable implementations before they are considered final. 3. "typo, formatting and spelling" fixes which can be applied after two acks without a meeting necessary. It's time to revisit this as we approach 1.1: 1. Should we move to an IRC meeting? Bitcoin development does this. It's more inclusive, and better recorded. But it can be lower-bandwidth. 2. Should we have a more formal approval method for PRs, eg. a "CONSENSUS:YES" tag we apply once we have acks from two teams and no Naks, then a meeting to review consensus, followed by "FINAL" tag and commit the next meeting? That gives you at least two weeks to comment on the final draft. Side note: I've added milestones to PRs as 1.0/1.1; I'm hoping to clear all 1.0 PRs this week for tagging in the next meeting, then we can start on 1.1 commits. Thanks! Rusty.