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Re: Revisitting Blum-Macali "digital signatures"
On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, Paul E. Campbell wrote:
> There was some discussion on Usenet a while back about doing "digital
> signatures" with the Blum-Macali public key method.
> Briefly, Blum-Macali relies on the BBS generator to generate a "one-time pad".
> And the pad can be reversed by taking repeated square roots on the random
> number seed (assuming you know the factorization) to get back to the starting
> seed.
> So, the author suggested that one calculate a digest of the message, call it
> D.
> Then the author suggested that one calculate D^(1/2), as per the Blum-Micali
> method.
> Then he goes on to do the signature check by checking whether or not
> D^2 == X^4
> where X is the "signature".
> I understand that there is some sign ambiguity involved in calculating square
> roots mod B where B is a Blum integer (that causes 4 possible roots). And
> that's the source of ambiguity problems in Rabin digital signatures, but if
> the Blum-Micali public key method works, then this sign ambiguity shouldn't
> exist (because they define a SPECIFIC root to use), and the method can be
> simplified to simply calculating D^(1/2) and the check is simply D==X^2.
> What am I missing here?
Let me see if I understand you correctly. The scheme you describe says
to calculate X=(D^2)^(1/4) as the signature and check D^2==X^4 for
verification. You are wondering why you can't just calculate Y=D^(1/2)
as the signature and check D==Y^2 for verification.
The problem here is that some D's don't have square roots. For a Blum
integer n, only 1/4 of the numbers between 1 and n-1 have square roots
mod n (they are called quadratic residues mod n). For a D that is a
quadratic residue, the X and Y above are equal. But for a D that is not a
quadratic residue, Y can't be calculated. X can still be calculated in
this case, but X^2 != D.
Wei Dai