[p2p-research] FTA Announcement #11: Register Now, Guest Lectures, DocBook and New FTA Materials

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 05:19:49 CET 2011

Hi Wouter, concerning this:

<We are currently talking to a prof from a university in Tokyo, the Meiji
university. They seem to be interested in some form of collaboration. I
understand they already work together with a uni in Malaysia, so maybe
there's an option. If you like I can put you in contact with them.>

yes,  I would appreciate,

I also met a Chiang Mai developer, who is interested in pursuing the free
school idea,


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Wouter Tebbens <wouter at freeknowledge.eu>wrote:

> Hi Michel,
> On 01/08/2011 09:20 AM, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>> :Dear Wouter,
>> thanks for this, VERY useful reply,
>> actually, for here in Chiang Mai, I was thinking more of mentoring than
>> full f2f teaching, so what you see is right on the mark,
> that would be really good, to offer mentoring options combined with online
> (group) activities.
>> credits is a little more difficult issue, since I think students in east
>> asia are still much more sensitive to this issue, you just don't get
>> hired here without the right papers (plus introductions <g>). For
>> example, I can teach post-graduate in Belgium based on my experience,
>> but there, I am confined to teaching 18 year olds, because they only
>> want to see the PhD
> Yes I understand. Even in Europe, with Bologna being applied, things get
> harder.
>> additional request, do you know of any university in your network, who
>> might be interested in a physical extension in SE Asia, and thereby
>> offer 'real credits' to potential students here?
> We are currently talking to a prof from a university in Tokyo, the Meiji
> university. They seem to be interested in some form of collaboration. I
> understand they already work together with a uni in Malaysia, so maybe
> there's an option. If you like I can put you in contact with them.
> best,
> Wouter
>> Michel
>> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Wouter Tebbens <wouter at freeknowledge.eu
>> <mailto:wouter at freeknowledge.eu>> wrote:
>>    Dear Michel,
>>    sorry for the belated reply; some traditional festivities and
>>    delayed work came in between. But: I wish you and all peers a good
>>    new year where freedom and solidarity get together again.
>>    Regarding your idea to run an educational curriculum based on the
>>    FTA, let me comment a few things. The FTA courses are designed for a
>>    online / distance education methodology mainly with course books and
>>    a series of group and individual activities under guidance of a
>>    university mentor. That said, the courses can be taught face2face as
>>    well, and some universities are doing that: they just download or
>>    link to the FTA course book(s) and work through them in a physical
>>    class room. Even with traditional lectures and slideshows if you
>>    want ;-)
>>    If you start running these courses f2f, it might be of interest for
>>    the global community to record and stream the lectures you might
>>    organise. We could then stream them through the FTA site as well.
>>    We'd also encourage you to make use of the FTA virtual campus:
>>    enrolled and free learners share case studies, bibliography, study
>>    projects etc etc through the various systems we have set up. Our
>>    idea is to facilitate the learning community as much as we can.
>>    Regarding credits: you can issue your own certificate and credits,
>>    but it will depend on their recognition to value how much these are
>>    worth to the participants. With the FTA we have choosen to work with
>>    universities who recognise FTA Certificates and the ECTS credits as
>>    used in Europe. That way learners can continue their education and
>>    obtain official degrees at those universities.
>>    Other forms of credits issued by peers might be very interesting and
>>    promising indeed. At Drumbeat Barcelona there was the badges
>>    project, see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Badges
>>    I think ultimately we will work towards a combination of both formal
>>    and informal credit systems (and feed the peer credit system into
>>    the formal instutions). But there is still some work to do.
>>    Looking forward to see how this fits best in your plans. We'll be
>>    happy to help you out as much as we can.
>>    best,
>>    Wouter
>>    On 12/26/2010 02:14 PM, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>        Dear Wouter, Franco:
>>        this is something I have been contemplating lately i.e. the
>>        possibility
>>        of a curriculum based on the FTA, given or mentored through the
>>        chiang
>>        mai commons initiative, which would give credits to thai
>>        students ...
>>        what would it take to pull this off?
>>        MICHEL
>>        On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Franco Iacomella <yaco at gnu.org
>>        <mailto:yaco at gnu.org>
>>        <mailto:yaco at gnu.org <mailto:yaco at gnu.org>>> wrote:
>>            Permanent link: http://ftacademy.org/announce/11
>>            FTA Announcement #11: Register Now, Guest Lectures, DocBook
>>        and New
>>            FTA Materials
>>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>            1. Last chance to register for the first term of 2011!
>>            2. Rey Juan Carlos University joins the FTA Associate Network
>>            3. Upcoming Guest Lectures at the FTA Campus
>>            4. FTA books in DocBook format
>>            5. New FTA materials published
>>            6. About the Free Technology Academy
>>            == 1. Last chance to register for the first term of 2011! ==
>>            Registrations for the 2011 programme are growing at a very good
>>            pace. Remember that you can register for any course of the
>>        programme
>>            until one week before the term starts. This means that you
>>        have time
>>            until January 3rd to register for these courses:
>>                * The concepts of Free Software and Open Standards
>>                * Basic GNU/Linux
>>                * Free Software Utilities
>>                * Network Technologies
>>                * Web applications development
>>                * Software development
>>                * Deployment of Free Software and Case Studies
>>            Don't leave it for the last minute! Register now at
>>        https://ftacademy.org/registration-form
>>            Having trouble choosing only a couple of courses? Keep in
>>        mind that
>>            many of them are also offered later in the year:
>>        http://ftacademy.org/courses/programme
>>            If you're still in doubt, contact us at
>>        registrations at ftacademy.org <mailto:registrations at ftacademy.org>
>>        <mailto:registrations at ftacademy.org
>>        <mailto:registrations at ftacademy.org>> and we'll help you create
>> your
>>            own programme!
>>            == 2. Rey Juan Carlos University joins the FTA Associate
>>        Network ==
>>            The FTA is proud to announce the incorporation of the
>>        University Rey
>>            Juan Carlos (Spain) to its Associate Partner Network,
>>        through the
>>            participation of the LibreSoft research group.
>>            LibreSoft offers a programme on Free Software that leads to an
>>            official Master Degree by the URJC. The LibreSoft group will
>>            contribute courses such as Quality Assessment of Free
>>        Software, one
>>            of its main research topics, to the FTA programme. Apart
>>        from that,
>>            the LibreSoft group is involved in the taskforce for an
>>            International Master Programme in Free Software since the
>> start,
>>            where FTA partners cooperate to design a common curriculum.
>>            Read the official announcement here:
>>        http://ftacademy.org/announce/URJC
>>            == 3. Upcoming Guest Lectures at the FTA Campus ==
>>            FTA Guest Lectures are open to all: the videos will be
>> published
>>            online and a forum will be available for those who want to
>>        discuss
>>            it with the lecturer. The FTA will welcome the new year with
>> two
>>            first-class guest lecturers: Richard M. Stallman and
>>        Benjamin Mako Hill.
>>            Richard M. Stallman is a Free Software developer and
>>        activist. He is
>>            the founder of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU
>>        Project. He
>>            started the Free Software movement and is arguably one of
>>        the most
>>            influential advocates of Free Software worldwide. In his
>>        lecture,
>>            Stallman will focus on the most recent attacks to users'
>>        freedoms,
>>            such as ACTA and DRM. This Guest Lecture will take place in
>>        February.
>>            Benjamin Mako Hill is a Debian hacker, intellectual property
>>            researcher, activist and author. He is a free software
>>        developer and
>>            contributes to the Debian and Ubuntu projects. He's also the
>>        author
>>            of two best-selling technical books on the subject. He
>> currently
>>            serves as a member of the Free Software Foundation board of
>>            directors and of Wikimedia Foundation's board. Hill has a
>>        Masters
>>            degree from the MIT Media Lab and is currently a Senior
>>        Researcher
>>            at the MIT Sloan School of Management where he studies free
>>        software
>>            communities and business models. His lecture, entitled,
>>        "Antifeatures", will take place in January 2011, stay tuned for the
>>            concrete dates!
>>            == 4. FTA books in DocBook format ==
>>            Until now, FTA coursebooks have been available in PDF format
>>        only.
>>            This allows everyone to easily read and print them, but it
>>        has not
>>            been easy to edit or remix the materials. Now FTA
>>        coursebooks are
>>            also available in the DocBook format: a semantic markup
>>        language for
>>            technical documentation. DocBook enables users to create
>>        documents
>>            in a presentation-neutral form that captures the logical
>>        structure
>>            of the content, which can then be published in a variety of
>>        formats,
>>            including HTML, XHTML, EPUB, PDF, man pages, and others -
>>        without
>>            requiring users to make any changes to the source.
>>            We expect that this new possibility will be exploited by the
>> FTA
>>            community. We hope that new creations take place, thereby
>>            materializing the opportunities offered by the copyleft
>> licenses
>>            applied to the original course books. We invite you to
>>        discuss all
>>            the possibilities in our community space:
>>        http://campus.ftacademy.org/community/
>>            == 5. New FTA materials published ==
>>            The FTA is proud to announce the availability of three new
>>            coursebooks, all under a free Copyleft license: GNU/Linux
>> Basic,
>>            Implementation of Free Software Systems and the coursebook
>>        for Free
>>            Software Tools and Utilities.
>>        "GNU/Linux Basic" will be taught in all three terms of 2011. The
>> aim
>>            of this book is to initiate you into the world of GNU/Linux. It
>>            covers the basics of the free software, how to use and modify
>>            GNU/Linux to suit your needs, and how to find your way in
>>        this new
>>            world more easily. The book is not based on any particular
>>            distribution, but we need to specify certain actions for
>>        most of the
>>            examples and activities, for which we will use Debian
>> GNU/Linux.
>>            Although this distribution is not as intuitive and
>>        user-friendly as
>>            others, it will serve to explain all the characteristics of a
>>            GNU/Linux-based operating system, step by step.
>>            You can get a copy of the course book, written by Joaquín López
>>            Sánchez-Montañés, Sofia Belles Ramos, Roger Baig Viñas and
>>        Francesc
>>            Aulí Llinàs, here: http://ftacademy.org/materials/fsm/13#1
>>        "Implementation of Free Software Systems" was written by Amadeu
>>            Albós Raya and Óscar David Sánchez Jiménez. This course book
>>            examines the deployment of Free Software systems. The reader
>>        will
>>            become familiar with agencies and projects related to the
>>        deployment
>>            of Free Software in the public and private sectors, and will
>>        learn
>>            to identify and understand the consequences of the use and
>>            exploitation of Free Software in different areas. Several case
>>            studies will be released soon as complementary materials.
>>        The FTA
>>            course "Deployment of Free Software Systems" is scheduled
>>        for the
>>            first and third terms of 2011.
>>            You can get a copy of the course book here:
>>        http://ftacademy.org/materials/fsm/8#1
>>            The course book "Tools and utilities in free software",
>>        written by
>>            Jesús Corrius i Llavina, is part of the course "Free
>>        Software Tools
>>            and Utilities". The students are introduced to some of the
>>        programs
>>            designed for desktop environments of end users. These
>>        programs allow
>>            users to browse the Internet securely (Mozilla), manage
>>        e-mail and
>>            work in groups (Evolution) and create text documents,
>>        spreadsheets
>>            and presentations (OpenOffice.org). In this course, students
>>        will
>>            also discover how to work with these free tools in different
>>            environments. "Free Software Tools and Utilities" will also be
>>            taught in all three terms of 2011.
>>            Download a copy here: http://ftacademy.org/materials/fsm/10#1
>>            Register for these courses here:
>>        http://ftacademy.org/courses/programme/2011
>>            == 6. About the Free Technology Academy ==
>>            A Consortium formed by the Open University of Catalonia
>>        (Spain), the
>>            Open University of the Netherlands and the University of Agder
>>            (Norway) and led by the Free Knowledge Institute (FKI), the
>>        FTA has
>>            received the support from the EC's Lifelong Learning
>>        Programme to
>>            set up an international educational programme on Free
>>        Software. The
>>            courses are taught completely online in a virtual campus
>>        based on
>>            the Campus Project interoperability framework.
>>            Following the Open Educational Resources movement, all learning
>>            materials are freely available through the Internet. The use
>>        of Free
>>            Software (also referred to as Open Source software or Libre
>>            Software) is rapidly expanding in governmental and private
>>            organisations.  However, still only a limited number of ICT
>>            professionals, teachers and decision makers have sufficient
>>            knowledge and expertise in these new fields. The Free
>> Technology
>>            Academy aims to address this gap by providing high level
>> courses
>>            that fit into larger Master Programmes at the participating
>>            universities.
>>            * More information: http://www.ftacademy.org
>>            * Contact information: contact[at]ftacademy.org
>>        <http://ftacademy.org> <http://ftacademy.org>
>>            * Digital version: http://ftacademy.eu/announce/10
>>            Free Technology Academy Newsletter
>>        http://www.ftacademy.eu
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>>    --
>>    Wouter Tebbens
>>    --
>>    Free Knowledge Institute /Unlocking the knowledge society/
>>    http://freeknowledge.eu/
>>    Free Technology Academy /Online education about Free Software/
>>    http://ftacademy.org/
>> --
>> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
>> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> --
> Wouter Tebbens
> --
> Free Knowledge Institute /Unlocking the knowledge society/
> http://freeknowledge.eu/
> Free Technology Academy /Online education about Free Software/
> http://ftacademy.org/

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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