[p2p-research] Old P2P List to Shut Down -- PLEASE MIGRATE TO NEW LIST IMMEDIATELY!

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 09:05:57 CET 2011

> I've subscribed to the news list but don't appear to have received a
> confirmation.  Would it be possible to send a welcome message from the
> new list when it has settled in so that we know the transition is done?

Hey, Denis.  I'm not an admin on the new list, so I'm cc'ing Franco.
I subbed and got an email confirmation (it requires replying or
clicking a link to confirm), and am receiving messages.  So hopefully
it will work for you--there may be a time delay, or (as with the old
list) require waiting for a list admin/moderator to get a notification
and clear your membership.  On the old list, new subscriptions
required approval, which means they waited until me, Franco or Ryan
checked our email.


Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
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The Homebrew Industrial Revolution:  A Low-Overhead Manifesto
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