[p2p-research] GAIA - Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 05:57:51 CET 2011

awful name for what could be a good idea!

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Mathieu ONeil <mathieu.oneil at anu.edu.au>wrote:

> Looks like these folks could use some input from / are on the same track as
> _some_ segments of the P2P community?
> cheers
> Mathieu
> -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-
> GAIA - Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration
> New Transnational Social Network Union to Crack Capitalism and Protect
> Life, Peace and Justice on Earth
> http://openfsm.net/projects/gaia/summary
> This space is an experiment for constructing a new type of
> transnational social network union that aims at bringing individual
> industrial and non-industrial workers in the Global North, the
> precariat in the Global South; peasants, domestic, immigrant and
> jobless workers together with social movement activists from other
> struggle fields, activist/researchers and many others who has to work
> in order to reproduce his/her life and to provide an open space where
> we can connect our networks and struggles to each other.
> GAIA project is an open invitation for inventing a world wide, common,
> grassroots, wiki social movement union that will aim an immediate
> alteration of capitalist social, cultural, and political order.
> Hundreds of millions not if billions of workers in the world are out
> of reach for the established trade union mechanisms and structures,
> they do not have any protection at all. Peter Waterman calls them
> 'Labour's others', for some others they are the new working class; the
> precariat composed of people who holds no property and even secure job.
> What kind of trade union structure will be able to go beyond the on
> going problems, and the crisis of unionism that had been born out of
> those well known problems, and will become the change maker of our time.
> Can open space online social networking ensemble a model for such
> future union organisation through the internet?
> There are already many good examples of action and organising taking
> place via the net and incredible results are getting reached, as it
> happened in 2007 when financial support has been mobilized from the
> wealthier segments of the Western working classes for the Ford
> worker's first ever strike organised in Russia since the beginning of
> the 20th Century.
> For already some times online social networking is gaining ground as
> an important and dynamic form of communication and collective action
> tool. Many activists are involved today in one or another social
> networks on the net, as well as on the real world. Time has came to
> transform this tool into a new generation social movement union.
> Therefore we need comprehensive discussion on how can this happen,
> would it work, how would we build and gain legal ground for such a
> union, is it possible, or necessary? How would such union look like,
> be governed and function against the offensive coming from the
> employer and the state?
> 'Social Network Unionism' working group has recently been created with
> the aim of promoting such discussion and providing space for
> comprehensive work in order to experiment with Social Network Union
> idea by utilizing the opportunity created by UnionBook.
> With the creation of GAIA space within Open WSF, I would like to
> invite all who involved one way or other in labour and trade union
> movements, environmental justice activists, women rights activists,
> immigrants' rights activists, water justice activists, information
> activists, activist students and others from other struggle fileds to
> join and contribute to build GAIA space together as network of
> networks that can stop capitalism and save the peoples and the mother
> earth.
> Please join GAIA, invent discussion groups on below or any other
> relevant topics and lead the experiement to save our common future:
> Principles of GAIA:
> Objectives of GAIA:
> Demands of GAIA:
> Ethics of the GAIA:
> Management and decision making for GAIA:
> Fellowship of GAIA:
> Applications/tools that are needed for functioning of GAIA as a
> genuine transnational grassroots union:
> Please join and contribute GAIA and spread the word. in solidarity!
> _______________________________________________
> p2presearch mailing list
> p2presearch at listcultures.org
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org

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Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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