[p2p-research] [Commoning] The New Year’s Message of the P2P Foundation: What Digital Commoners Need To Do

fran ilich ilich at sabotage.tv
Mon Jan 3 23:43:20 CET 2011

hi neal,

i completely agree with douglas rushkoff there. 

in 2005, a webhosting company that i will not name gave delete.tv the refund of a whole year of service, even though 6 months had already gone by, because some "anonymous" users didn't want to have their info hosted at the same company where the borderhack project was being hosted... of course, no one at the time believed us, as the idea was the internet was a place of freedom. so yea, being evicted lead to us start the possibleworlds.org and spacebank.org operation, but that's another story...



On Jan 3, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Neal Gorenflo wrote:

> Thanks Michel for this inspiring message.  Coincidently, Douglas Rushkoff just posted an opinion piece on Shareable supporting the second point in your platform:
> The Next Net
> http://shareable.net/blog/the-next-net 
> He basically says we lost the net long ago to corporations and that the only way to have a truly free net is to build one ourselves.  Giving our attention to Wikileaks and Net Neutrality are just distractions keeping us from what we need to do.  
> It's a bold position, and I wonder if there's anyone on this list that actually knows how we can build our own?  I'm guessing it would have to use some of the existing infrastructure, but could have a different topology and governance system.  Feel free to share your ideas in comments of the post.
> Here's to forking the net!

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