[p2p-research] [Commoning] Information sector: a qualitatively different mode of production?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 06:38:28 CET 2011

Hi Martin,

below here is a part of the exchange between roberto and you, which I find
extremely puzzling, so further details would be welcome

Roberto shows the differences between types of goods, and claims that this
has consequences, which means, they are certain constraints,

the way I interpret the argument is that  social relations are partly
determined by an objective material basis,  i.e. the nature of the good does
bring constraints

it does not talk or exclude other determinations, I see no hint of any
argument against politics, that everything needs to be computed

empirically, from what I know of Roberto, his work is eminently political,
he works with farmers, with the Greens, etc ...

so both on a theoretical and practical level, I'm wondering how you arrive
from that statement to your conclusions, what are the intermediary steps
that you have taken to arrive at them?

i.e. as you write:

< a sad statement and testimony to the end of politics: let
the thing determine all. Let us compute society.>
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