[p2p-research] ANNOUNCING Tahoe, the Least-Authority File System, v1.8.0

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 09:46:47 CEST 2010

dear sepp,

I note:

This is the fifth release of Tahoe-LAFS to be created solely
as a labor of love by volunteers. Thank you very much to the
team of "hackers in the public interest" who make Tahoe-LAFS

So feel free to discuss this if you find it important,


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko at zooko.com>wrote:

> Hi folks! I'm new to this list, but I think this project fits a lot of
> your ideas and values. :-) Here's the release announcement.
> Regards,
> Zooko
> ANNOUNCING Tahoe, the Least-Authority File System, v1.8.0
> The Tahoe-LAFS team is pleased to announce the immediate
> availability of version 1.8.0 of Tahoe-LAFS, an extremely
> reliable distributed storage system. Get it here:
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/quickstart.html
> Tahoe-LAFS is the first distributed storage system to offer
> "provider-independent security" — meaning that not even the
> operators of your storage servers can read or alter your data
> without your consent. Here is the one-page explanation of its
> unique security and fault-tolerance properties:
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/about.html
> The previous stable release of Tahoe-LAFS was v1.7.1, which was
> released July 18, 2010 [1].
> v1.8.0 offers greatly improved performance and fault-tolerance
> of downloads and improved Windows support. See the NEWS file
> [2] for details.
> With Tahoe-LAFS, you distribute your filesystem across
> multiple servers, and even if some of the servers fail or are
> taken over by an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to
> work correctly, and continues to preserve your privacy and
> security. You can easily share specific files and directories
> with other people.
> In addition to the core storage system itself, volunteers
> have built other projects on top of Tahoe-LAFS and have
> integrated Tahoe-LAFS with existing systems, including
> Windows, JavaScript, iPhone, Android, Hadoop, Flume, Django,
> Puppet, bzr, mercurial, perforce, duplicity, TiddlyWiki, and
> more. See the Related Projects page on the wiki [3].
> We believe that strong cryptography, Free and Open Source
> Software, erasure coding, and principled engineering practices
> make Tahoe-LAFS safer than RAID, removable drive, tape,
> on-line backup or cloud storage.
> This software is developed under test-driven development, and
> there are no known bugs or security flaws which would
> compromise confidentiality or data integrity under recommended
> use. (For all important issues that we are currently aware of
> please see the known_issues.txt file [4].)
> This release is compatible with the version 1 series of
> Tahoe-LAFS. Clients from this release can write files and
> directories in the format used by clients of all versions back
> to v1.0 (which was released March 25, 2008). Clients from this
> release can read files and directories produced by clients of
> all versions since v1.0. Servers from this release can serve
> clients of all versions back to v1.0 and clients from this
> release can use servers of all versions back to v1.0.
> This is the eleventh release in the version 1 series. This
> series of Tahoe-LAFS will be actively supported and maintained
> for the forseeable future, and future versions of Tahoe-LAFS
> will retain the ability to read and write files compatible
> with this series.
> You may use this package under the GNU General Public License,
> version 2 or, at your option, any later version. See the file
> "COPYING.GPL" [5] for the terms of the GNU General Public
> License, version 2.
> You may use this package under the Transitive Grace Period
> Public Licence, version 1 or, at your option, any later
> version. (The Transitive Grace Period Public Licence has
> requirements similar to the GPL except that it allows you to
> delay for up to twelve months after you redistribute a derived
> work before releasing the source code of your derived work.)
> See the file "COPYING.TGPPL.html" [6] for the terms of the
> Transitive Grace Period Public Licence, version 1.
> (You may choose to use this package under the terms of either
> licence, at your option.)
> Tahoe-LAFS works on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, Solaris,
> *BSD, and probably most other systems. Start with
> "docs/quickstart.html" [7].
> Please join us on the mailing list [8]. Patches are gratefully
> accepted -- the RoadMap page [9] shows the next improvements
> that we plan to make and CREDITS [10] lists the names of people
> who've contributed to the project. The Dev page [11] contains
> resources for hackers.
> Tahoe-LAFS was originally developed by Allmydata, Inc., a
> provider of commercial backup services. After discontinuing
> funding of Tahoe-LAFS R&D in early 2009, they continued
> to provide servers, bandwidth, small personal gifts as tokens
> of appreciation, and bug reports.
> Google, Inc. sponsored Tahoe-LAFS development as part of the
> Google Summer of Code 2010. They awarded four sponsorships to
> students from around the world to hack on Tahoe-LAFS that
> summer.
> Thank you to Allmydata and Google for their generous and
> public-spirited support.
> If you can find a security flaw in Tahoe-LAFS which is serious
> enough that feel compelled to warn our users and issue a fix,
> then we will award you with a customized t-shirts with your
> exploit printed on it and add you to the "Hack Tahoe-LAFS Hall
> Of Fame" [12].
> This is the fifth release of Tahoe-LAFS to be created solely
> as a labor of love by volunteers. Thank you very much to the
> team of "hackers in the public interest" who make Tahoe-LAFS
> possible.
> David-Sarah Hopwood and Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
> on behalf of the Tahoe-LAFS team
> September 23, 2010
> Rainhill, Merseyside, UK and Boulder, Colorado, USA
> [1] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/browser/relnotes.txt?rev=4579
> [2] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/browser/NEWS?rev=4732
> [3] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/wiki/RelatedProjects
> [4] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/browser/docs/known_issues.txt
> [5] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/browser/COPYING.GPL
> [6] http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe/trunk/COPYING.TGPPL.html
> [7] http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/quickstart.html
> [8] http://tahoe-lafs.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tahoe-dev
> [9] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/roadmap
> [10] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/browser/CREDITS?rev=4591
> [11] http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe/wiki/Dev
> [12] http://tahoe-lafs.org/hacktahoelafs/
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