[p2p-research] Priceless quote from Spanish judge in Telecinco vs Youtube

ChaTo (Carlos Alberto Alejandro CASTILLO Ocaranza) chato at chato.cl
Wed Sep 29 09:15:07 CEST 2010

  Hi, [not sure if this is the right place for this, but] I wanted to 
share this quote from the Spanish judge Andrés Sánchez Magro, of a 
commerce court in Madrid, ruling in favor of Youtube last week:

/"El reto de los emprendedores de la nueva economía no consiste tanto en 
proteger los derechos adquiridos como en crear valor en la difusión de 
esos contenidos porque la marcha de los tiempos evidencia la esterilidad 
de toda frontera artificial."/
[My translation] "The challenge of entrepreneurs in the new economy does 
not consist mainly in protecting the acquired rights, but in creating 
value from the diffusion of these contents as the passing of time has 
shown the futility of all artificial frontier."*

Veredict (Spanish, ~600KB): 

*ChaTo (Carlos Castillo) <http://www.chato.cl/>* 	/Connect: LinkedIn 
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/chato> · Facebook 
<http://www.facebook.com/chato/> · Twitter <http://twitter.com/chatox>/

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