[p2p-research] MFI News: MindFreedom at Alternatives 2010 in Calif.

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 22:18:50 CEST 2010

(announcement below!)

thanks for the warning Sepp, I moved a few things around

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Sepp Hasslberger <sepp at lastrega.com> wrote:

> I have scheduled a post on this for tomorrow, 29 September, as the event
> starts on that date.
> Since there are several posts, you might want to delay one or two of them
> for a day or two later...
> Sepp
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *"News and alerts from www.MindFreedom.org" <
> mindfreedom-news at intenex.net>
> *Date: *28 settembre 2010 0:16:33 GMT+02:00
> *To: *mindfreedom-news at intenex.net
> *Subject: **MFI News: MindFreedom at Alternatives 2010 in Calif.*
> *Reply-To: *news at mindfreedom.org
> MindFreedom International Alert - 27 September 2010
> http://www.mindfreedom.org - please forward
> [to get off this free public alert list see bottom]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> MindFreedom International to Have Strong Presence at Alternatives 2010!
> Urgent: Please FORWARD to Those Attending this Year's Conference
> In 48 hours -- on 29 September 2010 -- more than 1,000 USA mental
> health consumers and psychiatric survivors are expected to pour in
> from all over the USA for the national Alternatives 2010 conference
> Anaheim, California. MindFreedom International will have a strong
> presence there in a variety of ways.
> Since 1985, the federal government has funded this annual gathering of
> people who run mental health "Peer Delivered Services" -- PDS as it's
> now called -- such as community centers, advocacy systems, supported
> housing, employment programs and more.
> MindFreedom's director, David W. Oaks, will be attend Alternatives
> 2010, along with quite a few MFI members. A statement by him to be
> distributed to Alternatives 2010 participants is now on MFI's blog,
> here:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/mfi-blog/alternatives-2010
> Planning for this year's event saw heated controversy when the author
> Robert Whitaker, author of the book Anatomy of an Epidemic, was first
> invited to keynote. Whitaker's book is highly critical of hype by the
> psychiatric pharmaceutical industry the past two decades. Because he
> was considered controversial, federal officials had Whitaker dis-
> invited. Showing the importance of independent activism, MindFreedom
> launched an online campaign to contact President Obama, and within
> days Whitaker was re-invited. He will keynote.
> The past few days saw some more controversy, when conference
> organizers -- a federally-funded "technical assistance center"
> National Empowerment Center -- changed the title of a workshop by
> activist Will Hall at the last minute. NEC removed mention that his
> workshop included addressing quitting psychiatric drugs. His workshop
> description reassuringly said all choices were respected, including
> starting and continuing 'meds,' but NEC was concerned the title might
> imply they were giving medical advice. Reaction via the Internet
> heated up quickly. Today, NEC's director Dan Fisher issued a personal
> apology to Will, and said the original title was restored.
> MindFreedom International -- which does not play a role in organizing
> this conference -- hopes to bring up a public statement at
> Alternatives 2010 about the "undue influence of the pharmaceutical
> industry." MFI initiated the statement, which was signed by a number
> of prominent mental health consumer/psychiatric survivor leaders who
> attended a federal summit this summer.
> MFI now hopes Alternatives 2010 participants will endorse the
> statement by acclamation. To read the statement, click here:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/psychiatric-drugs/bastille-2010
> In addition, MindFreedom International is raising the possibility of
> uniting for a long-term, significant nonviolent protest of the mental
> health system, encouraging widespread "withdrawal of cooperation" from
> the mental health industry, culminating in peaceful direct action in
> May 2012.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> PLEASE FORWARD, especially if you know someone attending the
> Alternatives 2010 Conference.
> During Alternatives 2010, watch for occasional live MFI blogging:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/mfi-blog
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> MindFreedom International's exhibit is MFI's mad nerve center! MFI
> will have its Mad Market, including a booksigning by Bob Whitaker.
> Watch for several other new books plus MFI jewelry pins. Here's where
> you can join MFI, and find out the latest news! [NOTE! VOLUNTEERS are
> still welcome to assist at this MFI exhibit, even if you have time
> just a couple of hours. Just ask!]
> MFI member Hugh Massengill will be video-ing "mad minutes" where you
> sum up your "psychiatric survivor" experience in a minute or two, for
> a YouTube collage.
> Robert Whitaker will keynote at Alternatives 2010, this Friday, at
> 8:30 am.
> To read about this history of MindFreedom's campaign to support his
> keynote, see:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/psychiatric-drugs/what-about-bob/
> His book signing will follow his speech.
> If you can't attend, his book is available now at http://www.madmarket.org
> Read the statement challenging the power of the psychiatric drug
> industry, and ask that it be passed by acclamation. You can read the
> statement here:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/psychiatric-drugs/bastille-2010
> Whether or not you attend Alternatives 2010, ask your group to support
> this statement!
> MindFreedom member and theater leader Paula Caplan will give a
> workshop about the intersection of vets issues and mental health,
> including a live reading from her play, at 1:30 pm on Friday.
> MindFreedom members and allies are giving a workshop on how the
> general "cross-disability" movement can work more closely with the
> mental health consumer/psychiatric survivor movement, with TC Dumas,
> David Oaks, MFI board president Celia Brown, and cross-disability
> leader Marca Bristo. Watch for this workshop "Mental Health and Cross-
> Disability Communities Are Separated: Can This Marriage Be Saved?"
> this Friday at 3:30 pm.
> Several participants in a book about families and mental health will
> be at a workshop, including Dorothy Dundas and David Oaks. The book
> is: "A Way Out of Madness: Dealing with Your Family After You’ve Been
> Diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder." The workshop is Sat. morning
> at 10:00 am. This book is co-authored by MFI board member Matthew
> Morrissey, and is available via MFI's Mad Market --
> http://www.madmarket.org
>    (Watch for news about a new MindFreedom MOM NETWORK to challenge
> abuse of their sons and daughters in the mental health system! To link
> up e-mail to action at mindfreedom.org!)
> MindFreedom will host a "Mad Pride" caucus on Saturday night at 7 pm,
> to discuss creative nonviolent protests, including activism leading up
> to May 2012. Your feedback and ideas on building a united
> international peaceful action, withdrawing cooperation from the mental
> health industry, are welcome!
> ** VIGIL?
> MFI members are suggesting a brief vigil outside near the hotel to
> remember those harmed and killed by psychiatric human rights
> violations, speak the names of some, and have a moment of silence.
> Check with MFI exhibit table for time and place.
> After Alternatives 2010, don't forget another conference coming up
> soon, International Center for Study of Psychiatry and Psychology
> (ICSPP), a loyal MFI sponsor group. Their conference in Syracuse, NY,
> from 7 to 9 October 2010. For more info see their NEW web address:
> http://www.icspponline.org/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> JOIN - DONATE - RENEW with MindFreedom International!
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/join-donate
> MFI is one of the few totally independent activist coalitions in
> mental health advocacy. And that's important!
> After 24 years of organizing, MFI is now one of the largest voice of
> and for survivors of psychiatric abuse in history!
> Be part of mad movement history, now!
> Please join, re-join or renew your MindFreedom International
> membership here with a tax-deductible gift of any size:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/join-donate
> MFI gets NO funding from mental health industry, drug companies,
> government and religions.
> That means MindFreedom International counts on YOUR donations.
> There are plenty of system-funded groups doing good work. But when it
> comes to speaking out about drug company abuse, you can see how
> important INDEPENDENCE can be.
> Please join, re-join or renew your MindFreedom International
> membership here with a tax-deductible gift of any size:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/join-donate
> Support an independent united voice by and for survivors of human
> rights violations in the mental health system!
> Everyone is welcome to join now and be part of MindFreedom's 25th
> Silver Anniversary celebration next year:
> Join or renew your membership in MindFreedom International today, here:
> http://www.mindfreedom.org/join-donate
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Want to STOP getting these free public MFI news alerts?
> Two easy ways:
> Send a blank email from the e-mail address you want to remove to:
> mindfreedom-news-unsubscribe at intenex.net
> When you get the automatic unsubscribe confirmation message in a few
> moments be sure to reply. (If you do not receive that confirmation,
> check your spam filter.)
> 2) ASK US:
> Have trouble getting off this list? Just e-mail to office at mindfreedom.org
> If you e-mail from the *SAME* address where you received this alert,
> put this in your "subject line," the message can be blank:
> unsubscribe mindfreedom-news
> If you have *ALTERNATE* e-mail address(es) that may be receiving this
> alert by error, let the office know the exact address(es) to remove at:
> office at mindfreedom.org
> _______________________________________________
> If you are not on the MindFreedom-News alert list and wish to be, sign up
> for this free non-profit public service here:
> http://www.intenex.net/lists/listinfo/mindfreedom-news

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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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