[p2p-research] fyi, the relationship of social network with Sustainable Urbanism, project Urmanismo 3.0, initiatives we have in the Peruvian Amazon and development of social housing development in Latin America.

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 09:23:48 CEST 2010

English Version
Dear friends!
We invite you to meet and to present our agenda of activities, the remainder
of September and early October.
On September 27, the hub-madrid, let's talk about the network and the
philosophy we hold back in terms of time banks, social entrepreneurship,
social economy and favors chain. Introduce the summary of the last four
months of work, explaining our actions against the crisis of social change,
and the tools we are putting into the hands of users.
On September 28 at 8 pm, also at the hub, we will explain the relationship
of social network with Sustainable Urbanism, project Urmanismo 3.0, talk
about the initiatives we have in the Peruvian Amazon and development of
social housing development in Latin America.
In the hub investor (send final date) we will present the project
Sustainable Urbanism to investors, outlining more about the possibilities of
investing in: network, social housing solidarity economy sustainability.
On October 7 to 12 30 days, we will be sitting at the round table organized
by Ashoka, SIMO, one of the most important technology events organized by
the School of Industrial and IFEMA in Madrid, on 5 , 6 and 7 October. By
this mail to inform about the event, who want to attend, please send an
email to confirm attendance to send you invitation. If you register to three
days earlier, will not have to pay the entrance fee (50 euros) per event.
Finally we invite you to follow us, by including them in our social
networks, twitter, facebook and you can also follow the wiki:
Submissions to the times and dates indicated, the you can follow via
streaming by clicking this link. At all times will be recorded and uploaded
to the network, for consultation of all.
Please accept my best greetings filled with great energy and force for
Building a better world is everyone's job. Improve the conditions of our
planet is an inexhaustible source of labor, energy, strength and courage!
Remember there is always a new world to discover!
Lapapaya.org team,

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lapapaya.org <news at 1-0proyect.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:40 AM
Subject: [Lapapaya.org newsletter] Septiembre - Octubre / September -
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

      *Look below the English version!!*
*Apreciad at s amig at s!*

Queremos invitaros a conocernos y presentaros nuestra agenda de actividades,
de lo que queda de Septiembre y los primeros días de Octubre.

El día 27 de Septiembre, en el *hub-madrid*, vamos a hablar de la red social
y la filosofía que guardamos detrás en cuanto a bancos del tiempo,
emprendimiento social, economía solidaria y cadena de favores. Presentaremos
el resumen de estos últimos cuatro meses de trabajo, explicaremos sobre
nuestras acciones frente a la crisis el cambio social, y las herramientas
que estamos poniendo en manos de los usuarios.

El día 28 de Septiembre a las 8 de la tarde, también en el *hub*, vamos a
explicar la relación de la red social con el *Urbanismo Sostenible*,
proyecto *Urmanismo 3.0*, hablaremos de las iniciativas que tenemos en
el *Amazonas
Peruano* y desarrollo de vivienda social sostenible en Iberoamérica.

En el *hub investor *(enviaremos fecha definitiva) vamos a exponer el
proyecto de *Urbanismo Sostenible* a inversionistas, perfilando más sobre
las posibilidades de invertir en: red social, economía solidaria + vivienda
social + sostenibilidad.

El día 7 de Octubre a las 12 30 del día, vamos a estar sentados en la mesa
redonda que organiza *Ashoka*, en *SIMO*, uno de los eventos más importantes
de tecnologías que organizan la *Escuela de Organización Industrial e
Ifema*en Madrid, los días 5, 6 y 7 de Octubre. Mediante este mail
informamos sobre
el evento, quienes queráis asistir, por favor, enviar un mail confirmando
asistencia, para enviaros invitación. Si os registráis tres días antes, no
tendréis que pagar la entrada (50 euros) al evento.

Por último queremos invitaros a seguirnos, mediante la inscripción en
nuestras redes sociales, twitter <http://twitter.com/la_papaya>,
facebook<http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=183671905153>y podéis
también seguir la wiki:

Las presentaciones a las horas y las fechas indicadas, las podréis seguir
via streaming accediendo a este
En todo momento quedarán grabadas y se subirán a la red, para consulta de

Reciban todos un saludo lleno de mucha energía y fuerza de cambio.

La construcción de un mundo mejor es una tarea de todos. Mejorar las
condiciones de nuestro planeta es una fuente inagotable de trabajo, energía,
fuerza y valor!!

Recuerden que: siempre hay un mundo nuevo por descubrir!!
Equipo de lapapaya.org, Madrid.


*English Version*

Dear friends!

We invite you to meet and to present our agenda of activities, the remainder
of September and early October.

On September 27, the *hub-madrid*, let's talk about the network and the
philosophy we hold back in terms of time banks, social entrepreneurship,
social economy and favors chain. Introduce the summary of the last four
months of work, explaining our actions against the crisis of social change,
and the tools we are putting into the hands of users.

On September 28 at 8 pm, also at the hub, we will explain the relationship
of social network with *Sustainable Urbanism*, project *Urmanismo 3.0*, talk
about the initiatives we have in the *Peruvian Amazon* and development of
social housing development in Latin America.

In the *hub investor* (send final date) we will present the project
Sustainable Urbanism to investors, outlining more about the possibilities of
investing in: network, social housing solidarity economy sustainability.

On October 7 to 12 30 days, we will be sitting at the round table organized
by *Ashoka*, *SIMO*, one of the most important technology events organized
by the *School of Industrial and IFEMA* in Madrid, on 5 , 6 and 7 October.
By this mail to inform about the event, who want to attend, please send an
email to confirm attendance to send you invitation. If you register to three
days earlier, will not have to pay the entrance fee (50 euros) per event.

Finally we invite you to follow us, by including them in our social
networks, twitter <http://twitter.com/la_papaya>,
facebook<http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=183671905153>and you
can also follow the wiki:

Submissions to the times and dates indicated, the you can follow via
streaming by clicking this
At all times will be recorded and uploaded to the network, for consultation
of all.

Please accept my best greetings filled with great energy and force for

Building a better world is everyone's job. Improve the conditions of our
planet is an inexhaustible source of labor, energy, strength and courage!

Remember there is always a new world to discover!

Lapapaya.org team,

Unsubscribe from this

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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