[p2p-research] Open Hardware Roadmap

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Sat Sep 25 20:55:09 CEST 2010

I saw this website and I think its a great idea but still in its very
infancy. (a wiki born a few days ago)


The Table Of Contents sounds ambitious:

but all the respective pages are empty.

Jim Barkley and Sam Sayer, both of The MITRE Corporation, own this wiki

MITRE is described here: http://www.mitre.org/about/index.html

An impressive and very resourceful organisation with a heavy bias into
military technology ;-)

anybody ready to challenge them about the whereabouts?

here is the respective discussion that led me to the site.


IMHO we do indeed need a technology roadmap (including a huge amount of
technologies to be redone in a better way) and I am advocating this from
the beginning of oekonux, but we are facing the problem that we either
have resources - or credibility and moral influence. Almost never these
two factors converge. Maybe this will change soon.

Franz Nahrada
GIVE - Globally Integrated Village Environment.

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