[p2p-research] second life forest

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 12:41:51 CEST 2010

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Date: 2010/9/17
Subject: Mikko Joukkoäly Lipiäinen sent you a message on Facebook...
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

you a message.
   [image: Mikko Joukkoäly
Mikko Joukkoäly
17, 2010 at 7:44pm
Subject: Second Forest project

We are publicly opening our virtual forest location in Second Life today
called Second Forest. In general we are interested on the relationship of
new online media and forest. Right now we would like to focus in the use of
migrant (specially Tai) labour in berry picking in Nordic forests since it
seems to challenge our way of understanding the Scandinavian forest...

Here's an invitation which you will find from our project's blog also:

SECOND FOREST - A Second Life Project about Globalized Boreal Forest
in The Age of Social Media

read more:

Finnish collective Hirvitalo has built a meeting place in online
virtual reality Second Life for those who are interested in thinking
critically and visionary about forest related issues. Hirvitalo
invites everybody to this site to develop forest related activism with
the help of online tools.

The place that resembles a Nordic forest is hosted by a group of
avatars who organize a variety of events from intimate bonfire
discussions to forest parties. These avatars are also writing on a
blog about themes related to the project.

By creating a virtual forest in a globally accessible online
environment Hirvitalo aims to bring in focus the remote wilderness
areas’ dependency on globalized world and media.

While biodiversity of world’s forests has diminished our media has
become more diverse. Blogs, video services and other social media
tools have begun to compete with traditional media. Our new ways of
communicating about the forest are joined with how we interact with the
forest. If we want more ecologically sustainable relationships with forests
what kind of communication and images should we choose?

Second Forest will be open from 17th of September 2010! Welcome!


Our avatar team is working feverishly to prepare our site in Second
Life which we will open to the public tomorrow at 17:00 CET. After
that you can teleport to the site via our blog that can be found at

In the opening we will show you the place around and discuss about the
future activities in the site – especially during the next two months when
this project is showcased in Inter-Cool 3.0 exhibition in Dortmund U.

Lately the issues related to the use of migrant (specially from
Thailand) labor in berry picking in Nordic forests has been in our
team members’ minds. We believe that this phenomenon is challenging the way
we understand Scandinavian forest and our relationship to it.
We’ve been planning to create an online movie about this theme that is
produced and “filmed” collectively in Second Life during the Inter Cool 3.0
exhibition in Dortmund. In the opening we talk more about this idea and how
you can participate in the making of it!

You are warmly welcome to the opening!

On behalf of the SL team,
Okkim Babii
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Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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