[p2p-research] Fwd: FW: press release for Transforming Finance group statement

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 01:49:50 CEST 2010


Financial experts, warning of future crises, call for re-affirming finance
as a global commons, first recognized at Bretton Woods in 1945.

Co-conveners, John Fullerton, President, Level3Capital Management and The
Capital Institute, former Managing Director of JPMorgan, and global futurist
and author of nine books, Hazel Henderson, D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, said, "Our
TRANSFORMING FINANCE group, as beneficiaries and active participants in
global capital markets, affirms our responsibility to reform finance
consistent with this reality."  They added, "Today, 24-hour global capital
markets are dependent on satellites, internet and other technologies largely
financed by taxpayers as public infrastructure investments."

now circulating in their private networks, adds "Financial markets are
founded on trust – now eroded by the irresponsible and unethical behavior of
many players, including many of our leading financial institutions."  The
signers, from the European Union, China, India, Australia, Brazil, Canada
and the USA agree that "unbridled greed-driven speculation, the improper use
of public infrastructure technology for activities such as high-frequency
trading, together with a misguided self-regulatory ideology, damaged the
financial commons and the trust on which we all depend."

The TRANSFORMING FINANCE group outlined necessary principles and conditions
to operate the shared global financial architecture consistent with
21stcentury realities.
Their Statement cites many agreements and institutions, global norms and
rules that have evolved since Bretton Woods.  It shows how markets for
public goods can be expanded by pricing carbon and other emissions and
external costs and accounting for un-priced assets, including: ecological
productivity, biodiversity and other global commons, as well as social and
human capital.

The group pledged to continue their own efforts to modernize capital markets
to serve human societies as one of the tools to manage the global commons,
using the new accounting standards and national accounting beyond "efficient
market" and "rational actor" models, now outdated by findings in brain and

Prominent signers include: Graciela Chichilnisky (USA and Argentina);
Zhouying Jin (China); Robert A.G. Monks (USA); Karl Kleissner (Austria,
USA); Tessa Tennant (Scotland, Hong Kong); Ashok Khosla (India); Lawrence
Bloom (UK); Christina Carvalho Pinto (Brazil); Woody Tasch (USA); Orio
Giarini (Switzerland); Ladislau Dowbor(Brazil); Richard Spencer (UK);
Rinaldo Brutoco (USA); Robert Shaw (USA); Susan Davis(USA and Ecuador); Eva
Willmann de Donlea (Australia); Ross Jackson (Denmark); Ellen Hodgson Brown
(USA); Steve Waddell (Canada); Terry Mollner (USA); Allen White (USA) and
many others.


Hazel Henderson: President, Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil); Fellow
of Britain's Royal Society for Arts and member of the Club of Rome;
www.EthicalMarkets.com <http://www.ethicalmarkets.com/>,
hazel.henderson at ethicalmarkets.com, Ph. 904-829-3140

John Fullerton: President, Capital Institute, Greenwich, CT, and
Level3Capital Management; www.capitalinstitute.org, john at level3cap.com,
jfullerton at capitalinstitute.org, Ph. 203-769-1191

Christina Carvalho Pinto, President - Full Jazz Communication Group and
Mercado Ético (Ethical Markets Brazil) Multimedia Platform;
christina.cp at fulljazz.com.br, Ph. (5511) 5507-5870

Graciela Chichilnisky: Managing Director, Global Thermostat, LLC; Professor
and Director, Columbia Consortium for Risk Management, Columbia University;
author of the carbon market of the UN Kyoto Protocol;
chichilnisky1 at gmail.com, Ph. 212-678-1148

Ashok Khosla, President, Development Alternatives, Delhi, India; President,
IUCN; Co-President, Club of Rome; akhosla at gmail.com

Stuart Valentine, President, IOWA Progressive Asset Management, Fairfield,
Iowa; svalentine at fwg.com, 1-800-509-9096

Rosalinda Sanquiche, Executive Director, Ethical Markets Media;

rosalinda.sanquiche at ethicalmarkets.com; to arrange interviews phone at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hazel Henderson <hhlibry at hazelhenderson.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:39 AM
Subject: FW: press release for Transforming Finance group statement
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, George Por <
george at community-intelligence.com>, "Barnes, Peter" <peterbarn at aol.com>
Cc: James Quilligan <jbquilligan at comcast.net>, Leo Burke <
leoburke1948 at mac.com>, Nancy Roof <nancy at kosmosjournal.org>, "Douthwaite,
Richard" <richard at douthwaite.net>, "Sardar, Ziauddin" <
ziauddin.sardar at btopenworld.com>, "Kumar, Satish" <schumcoll at gn.apc.org>,
"Radermacher, Franz-Josef" <franz-josef.radermacher at uni-ulm.de>, "Fucks,
Ralf" <fuecks at boell.de>, Madeleine Austin <madeleine at worldbusiness.org>,
"Macleod, Jordan" <jordanbmacleod at yahoo.com>, "Utne, Nina" <nina at utne.com>

   Hi Michel, George and Pete:

      This just went out on CSRWire.    Please post this Media release as
you will.   We are still finishing the special page for signers at
www.EthicalMarkets.com <http://www.ethicalmarkets.com/>  and the full
Statement is there also. For , now please just use the Media release.

     For background, we are now scanning my 1995 article  'NEW MARKETS AND
NEW COMMONS "   from the refereed journal FUTURES, March 1995, Elsevier
Science ,UK    and will make this available , since it's now hard to find
the book  THE UN;POLICY AND FINANCING ALTERNATIVES, eds : Harlan Cleveland,
Hazel Henderson and Inge Kaul ( ed of the trilogy on Global Public Goods ,
Oxford U. Press )   This is   the US edition  of the FUTURES volume,
published in  1996  ..

     So nice that the commons is back in style !

      Thanks and warmest wishes,



*D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, author, futurist, president - Ethical Markets Media, LLC*

*PO Box 5190**, St. Augustine, FL 32085**; Phone: 904/829-3140, Fax:

*www.EthicalMarkets.com, www.EthicalMarkets.tv, www.hazelhenderson.com,

Check TV listings for *Growing the Green Economy* on the Documentary Channel
and our latest show *The Money Fix* on PBS affiliates.**


*From:* Rosalinda Sanquiche [mailto:rosalinda.sanquiche at ethicalmarkets.com]
*Sent:* Monday, September 13, 2010 1:22 PM
*To:* Hazel Henderson
*Subject:* press release for Transforming Finance group statement

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