[p2p-research] coalition of the willing animation ...

Dan Brickley danbri at danbri.org
Sun Sep 12 17:00:43 CEST 2010

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Michel Bauwens
<michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I missed this when it came out, any comments?
> http://coalitionofthewilling.org.uk/
> the animation is really worth seeing, but I have questions about
> centralising swarm efforts 'from the top down' as it were?

It's very beautifully done, which only made me feel a little
uncomfortable as the nameless, voice-actor'd narrator urged 'us' to
come together to make a war on global warming. When things look so
expensive, I like to know more clearly who is paying the bills and
whose voice the materials are speaking for. Especially when the word
'we' gets used so liberally. I'm not sure I buy the story of 60s
idealism being corrupted by consumerism either, but that doesn't
particularly matter.

Sorry, this is coming across over-skeptical. It's good stuff, I just
find the level of marketing polish makes me wary; that's a pity, that
I seem to be conditioned to expect progressive messages to be
amateurish... :/



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