[p2p-research] Update on mapping P2P

Thomas p2p at colby.de
Sat Sep 11 10:58:48 CEST 2010

Hello everybody,

I'd like to give you an update about the P2P Mapping project. Even 
though there has been quite some programming going on, it is 
unfortunately stuck at the moment.

The main problem is the privacy discussion. The programmer I'm working 
with refuses to build a platform where everybody can enter information 
about somebody's else projects. The prototype-example we were discussing 
about is some ecovillage, that prefers not to be listed in the internet. 
Opt-out after being listed was not an option in this case, because of 
the argument 'what's once in the Internet stays there..', especially for 
data under Open Licenses, which I think is true.

The other option left was to build a platform where P2P projects can 
enter their own data (so more like a "Yellow Pages"-concept). Of course 
by taking this way it might be much harder to get enough projects 
On the other side, the preferred effect of establishing "links" between 
the projects should be better, since by entering their data, they're 
more involved in building up the website.

But we found it very problematic to find an umbrella identity, where all 
those projects we would label as "P2P", would find themselves. For 
example here in Berlin there are many projects I'd label as "P2P" or 
"Community Economy", like collective bicycle repair workshops, while 
they'd never see themselves as such, but rather as "left(radical) 
grassroots project".

And I think it's similar with many projects that see themselves as 
Community Economy, Solidarity Economy, Alternative Economy, P2P Economy, 
Open Source Economy, Gift Economy, Cooperative Economy, Non-capitalistic 
Economy etc... (or not even as "economy" at all)

The  privacy issue might be hard to understand for non-German readers, 
but here it is a really big topic. Especially now with Google Street 
View, where even Government has intervened, and all German property 
owners and tenants now have the possibility to "opt out" before Street 
View starts in December (the house will be blackened out).

If you can think of any good solutions, we're happy about suggestions 
and ideas.

I still think it would be great to realize this together with OpenStreetMap.

There already exist some great layers for OSM 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenStreetMap#Usage) but I would say that 
until now it's still a bit complicated to enter data for most people, so 
a good interface is needed.

For browsing OSM I can recommend www.khtml.org, it is much faster than 
the original openstreetmap.org and easier to use. (nice feature: 
"ticker" shows real-time-contributions to the map).

Kind regards,

On 02.09.2010 10:05, Thomas wrote:
> Hey Tino, Michel and everybody,
> my own programming skills are very limited but I contacted a 
> befriended programmer of mine, and he is willing to help with putting 
> it up. It won't be more difficult to enter data than in Google Maps. I 
> can't tell yet if it is possible to import KML directly, but we can try.
> Of course nothing is wrong with putting up the Map of P2P Urbanism as 
> planned parallel.
> It is no problem to show one or more layers of information and to put 
> them together when needed.
> If we really manage to get it filled up with data, it can be a great 
> source of information.
> It will be possible to see the data in two different modes:
> 1. Map View: filtered by information layer (category)
> 2. Table View: sometimes it is more convenient to see something like 
> "all fablabs in the US" in a table view.
> The data can be exported as XML / CSV file, so people can use it for 
> their own purposes.
> I will come back to you as soon as there's something to show.
> Thomas
> On 01.09.2010 17:15, tino rizzo wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I have to be honest I didn't know about OSM and I thinks is a great 
>> service if can perform the same functions Gmap does (overlaying, 
>> etc.). I have just now registered but it will take me some time to 
>> learn it.
>> Since somebody has already started to spread the link and work on of 
>> the p2p atlas on Gmap I was wondering whether it could be possible to 
>> upload a KML file afterwards into OSM. Yet It would be easier for 
>> people who are not used to OSM interface to work on Gmap but maybe I 
>> am wrong and Thomas can build something even easier.
>> For the rest I agree with Michel as I don't think that combining 
>> everything in one map would be readable. Again If we can work for 
>> layers of information (P2P- urbanism, economy, manufacturing, etc.) 
>> it would be easier to then overlap them later.
>> I look forward for practical feedbacks
>> tino
>> *AgaTino Rizzo*
>> Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
>> http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/ 
>> <http://teknologimalaysia.academia.edu/ATR>
>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Michel Bauwens 
>> <michelsub2004 at gmail.com <mailto:michelsub2004 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi Thomas,
>>     ok for openstreetmap then,
>>     could you perhaps start up an application we can use, and we
>>     start with geotagging and placing p2p places in it?
>>     I'm certainly willing to help with the compilation work, if
>>     someone else starts up the infrastructure,
>>     I would consider this a very great enhancement for our work, and
>>     help travelling peers worldwide to find contacts and places to
>>     visit and learn from,
>>     Michel
>>     On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Thomas v. Loeffelholz
>>     <p2p at colby.de <mailto:p2p at colby.de>> wrote:
>>         Dear Michel,
>>         we should reflect what the goal of mapping can be.
>>         1. Of course the basic idea of maps is to give "coordinates"
>>         about places that fulfill a certain task. Like a person
>>         hiking in the mountains, happy about the shelter he finds on
>>         his map. For this reason it is good to have topic-specific maps.
>>         2. In the general public discussion, you might find reports
>>         about hacker spaces, fablabs, ecovillages etc. Seldom you
>>         will read that they share a common ground, that they belong
>>         to the same idea of creating an alternative economy (each in
>>         its own way). Even inside these projects, the notion of a
>>         common ground is restricted. A broader map could create just
>>         that, the knowledge that there are "more out there". To
>>         create a common struggle for a P2P economy.
>>         I think these two goals can be combined perfectly. A
>>         well-designed mapping architecture could offer topic-specific
>>         maps, as well as the possibility to blend them, to merge them.
>>         3. The information that we map should be Open Access, it
>>         should be a commons. The best legal construction to guarantee
>>         this at the moment is GPL or Creative Commons. None of these
>>         are compatible with Google Maps, so any P2P mapping project
>>         should be created with OpenStreetMap, where this licensing
>>         can be achieved.
>>         Regards,
>>         Thomas
>>         On 01.09.2010 08:29, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>>         Dear Thomas,
>>>         I think it would be a mistake to do all things via a ff
>>>         single map, as the p2p world is to all-encompassing
>>>         but perhaps we can use the same system to do other maps on
>>>         p2p activities,
>>>         one I was thinking of was to identify concrete communities
>>>         to visit, i.e. p2p 'places', like hacker labs, coworking
>>>         hubs, and the like,
>>>         Michel
>>>         On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:54 AM, Thomas v. Loeffelholz
>>>         <p2p at colby.de <mailto:p2p at colby.de>> wrote:
>>>             Dear list members,
>>>             I think that this topic is very important, and even
>>>             though the project mentioned is already quite
>>>             interesting, maybe there is the possibility to get a
>>>             broader scope on it.
>>>             What if we engange in a global "mapping of
>>>             peer-production / alternative economy" ?
>>>             I quote Gibson-Graham ("Postcapitalist Politics"):
>>>             "[The practice of seeing and speaking economy
>>>             differently] encourages us to make visible the hidden
>>>             and alternative economic activities that /everywhere/
>>>             abound, and to connect them through a language of
>>>             economic difference [..].
>>>             If we can begin to see noncapitalist activities as
>>>             prevalent and viable, we may be encouraged here and now
>>>             to actively build on them to transform our local economies."
>>>             So I indeed think that it is important, to make these
>>>             structures /visible/, to make visible where peer-economy
>>>             is lived already now. And this should not only be
>>>             restricted to p2p urbanism.
>>>             Doesn't it already exist?
>>>             Of course there already exist many specific lists and
>>>             maps, for ecovillages, for fablabs, for hacker spaces,
>>>             for social institutions etc. But what if we manage to
>>>             link them, to connect them, to make visible that they
>>>             share a common identity?
>>>             How can we achieve that?
>>>             I know that P2P-Foundation is meant as a place where
>>>             this can happen, and the P2P-Foundation wiki probably
>>>             tries to achieve just that and I think it is already a
>>>             great ressource.
>>>             As it already happens in some Wikipedia articles, it
>>>             would be great to add coordinate-base data to the
>>>             projects listed in the P2P-Wiki. A database of
>>>             P2P-Projects marked with geographic data can be the raw
>>>             material for building a real map of P2P-economy. Instead
>>>             of Google, the best platform to connect it with is
>>>             OpenStreetMap, since only there it can truely stay
>>>             Creative Commons.
>>>             Regards,
>>>             Thomas
>>>             On 31.08.2010 19:55, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>>>               Dear Chris, could you also publish the text below on
>>>>               the regular blog? many thanks!
>>>>               P2P-Urbanism World Atlas: Call for Participation
>>>>             Dear all,
>>>>             this is a open invitation to take part to the editing
>>>>             of the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas".
>>>>             The Atlas is based on Google Maps
>>>>             (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>>
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>>>).
>>>>             Markers on Gmap locate P2P urban interventions.
>>>>             According to the ongoing debate on P2P urbanism we are
>>>>             filtering urban interventions (implemented projects)
>>>>             fitting in the following statement:
>>>>             /
>>>>             P2P Urbanism may be understood as that collection of
>>>>             temporary, long-term as well as digital urban
>>>>             interventions carried out cooperatively by, amongst
>>>>             others, inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public
>>>>             agencies, researchers, activists, artists,
>>>>             sociologists, and urban scientists meant to study,
>>>>             construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may
>>>>             choose, participate, share, and modify theories,
>>>>             methods, and implementation technologies at any one time./
>>>>             Therefore we are looking for long-term, urban
>>>>             interventions as well as smaller, temporary urban and
>>>>             diital interventions which can be understood and
>>>>             interpret as P2P urban philosophy. A legend has been
>>>>             used to discriminate among:
>>>>             (blue) = temporary P2P urban interventions
>>>>             (red) = long-term P2P urban interventions
>>>>             (green) = other P2P urban-related interventions
>>>>             A yellow marker contains instructions and information.
>>>>             To take part to the World Atlas project you should send
>>>>             your Gmail account to cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com> <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>> <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com> <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>>>. Our ambition is to
>>>>             discover an cover every region of the world in which
>>>>             P2P urban interventions have taken place.
>>>>             You may invite other participants to this project.
>>>>             Since the Atlas is at very beginning we expect that
>>>>             some changes will occur in the structure of the given
>>>>             information in some time. Participants will be notified
>>>>             of such changes. The target is to complete the map
>>>>             before next spring when a conference on P2P urbanism
>>>>             will be organized in Rome.
>>>>             A Google group has been created to allow feedbacks
>>>>             among participants. Only active participants to the
>>>>             Atlas project may visualize and take part to the group.
>>>>             Regards
>>>>             * AgaTino Rizzo *
>>>>             Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
>>>>             http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/
>>>>             <http://teknologimalaysia.academia.edu/ATR>
>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>             ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>             From: *Giuseppe Silvi* <giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it
>>>>             <mailto:giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it>>
>>>>             Date: Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 5:45 PM
>>>>             Subject: "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas" and PHILIPS LIVABLE
>>>>             CITIES AWARD (deadline 28 Oct 2010)
>>>>             To: Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it
>>>>             <mailto:metafrasis at alice.it>>
>>>>             Cc: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:michelsub2004 at gmail.com>>, Antonio Caperna
>>>>             <antonio.caperna at yahoo.it
>>>>             <mailto:antonio.caperna at yahoo.it>>
>>>>             dear all,
>>>>             1)
>>>>             a thank you to Stefano for the "Invitation to take part
>>>>             to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"
>>>>             ... for sure  I'll involve the "laquila99.tv
>>>>             <http://laquila99.tv/>'s people in taking part to this
>>>>             valuable initiative
>>>>             2)
>>>>             in my opinion there is a chance to present an idea in
>>>>             the context of the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"
>>>>             initiative to the "*PHILIPS LIVABLE CITIES AWARD" *
>>>>             http://www.because.philips.com/livable-cities-award
>>>>             http://www.because.philips.com
>>>>             <http://www.because.philips.com/>
>>>>             I have been studying the PHILIPS site since some weeks
>>>>              ..... I am ready to coordinate a team of which I hope
>>>>             you want to be part in order to present an idea to this
>>>>             award within the deadline fixed for the 28th Oct 2010.
>>>>             Some interesting VIDEOS from PHILIPS:
>>>>             http://www.youtube.com/user/bitwatt#p/f/6/-wmiNhkptQw
>>>>             http://www.youtube.com/user/bitwatt#p/f/7/ePeor5334sQ
>>>>             Please send me a feedback and your considerations on
>>>>             the PHILIPS LIVABLE CITIES AWARD.
>>>>             The best
>>>>             Giuseppe
>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>             *Da:* Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it
>>>>             <mailto:metafrasis at alice.it>>
>>>>             *A:* Giuseppe Silvi <giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it
>>>>             <mailto:giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it>>
>>>>             *Inviato:* Ven 27 agosto 2010, 23:33:20
>>>>             *Oggetto:* Invitation to take part to the editing of
>>>>             the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"
>>>>             Caro Giuseppe,
>>>>             come sai il Gruppo Salìngaros sta organizzando un
>>>>             importante convegno sull'urbanistica e l'architettura a
>>>>             misura umana per il prossimo febbario, che si terrà a
>>>>             Roma coinvolgendo nomi importanti della filosofia,
>>>>             della sociologia, e della scienza, oltre ad alcuni
>>>>             esponenti politici interessati una volta tanto ad
>>>>             ascoltare; ma soprattutto giovani studiosi brillanti,
>>>>             che come tali insegnano e ricercano all'estero, visto
>>>>             che in patria i baroni non li farebbero nemmeno respirare.
>>>>             Ora, la P2P Foundation, Michel Bauwens, e aun gruppo di
>>>>             giovani urbanisti, programmatori e teorici, organizza
>>>>             insieme a noi un altro convegno che si incrocerà con
>>>>             quello romano e ne farà parte: solo che sarà mondiale,
>>>>             e si svolgerà tutto online, per il tremite di una
>>>>             ventina di interviste che caricheremo sul web, dedicate
>>>>             al tema del P2P Urbanism.
>>>>             Ho pensato di coinvolgerti insieme agli amici di
>>>>             L'Aquila99.tv, visto che - mi pare - siamo davvero in
>>>>             tema, e in linea.
>>>>             Qui sotto trovi l'invito a partecipare al primo step di
>>>>             questa avventura open-source. Se devo fare qualcosa
>>>>             fammelo sapere, ma penso che tu hai abbastanza canali
>>>>             da dare il booster alla faccenda...
>>>>             A presto e cari saluti,
>>>>             Stefano
>>>>             P.S. Hai voluto la bicicletta...? ;-)
>>>>             tino rizzo пишет:
>>>>             Dear all,
>>>>             this is a open invitation to take part to the editing
>>>>             of the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas".
>>>>             The Atlas is based on Google Maps
>>>>             (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>>
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4
>>>>             <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>>>).
>>>>             Markers on Gmap locate P2P urban interventions.
>>>>             According to the ongoing debate on P2P urbanism we are
>>>>             filtering urban interventions (implemented projects)
>>>>             fitting in the following statement:
>>>>             /
>>>>             P2P Urbanism may be understood as that collection of
>>>>             temporary, long-term as well as digital urban
>>>>             interventions carried out cooperatively by, amongst
>>>>             others, inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public
>>>>             agencies, researchers, activists, artists,
>>>>             sociologists, and urban scientists meant to study,
>>>>             construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may
>>>>             choose, participate, share, and modify theories,
>>>>             methods, and implementation technologies at any one time./
>>>>             Therefore we are looking for long-term, urban
>>>>             interventions as well as smaller, temporary urban and
>>>>             diital interventions which can be understood and
>>>>             interpret as P2P urban philosophy. A legend has been
>>>>             used to discriminate among:
>>>>             (blue) = temporary P2P urban interventions
>>>>             (red) = long-term P2P urban interventions
>>>>             (green) = other P2P urban-related interventions
>>>>             A yellow marker contains instructions and information.
>>>>             To take part to the World Atlas project you should send
>>>>             your Gmail account to cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com> <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>> <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com> <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>>>. Our ambition is to
>>>>             discover an cover every region of the world in which
>>>>             P2P urban interventions have taken place.
>>>>             You may invite other participants to this project.
>>>>             Since the Atlas is at very beginning we expect that
>>>>             some changes will occur in the structure of the given
>>>>             information in some time. Participants will be notified
>>>>             of such changes. The target is to complete the map
>>>>             before next spring when a conference on P2P urbanism
>>>>             will be organized in Rome.
>>>>             A Google group has been created to allow feedbacks
>>>>             among participants. Only active participants to the
>>>>             Atlas project may visualize and take part to the group.
>>>>             Regards
>>>>             * AgaTino Rizzo *
>>>>             Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
>>>>             http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/
>>>>             <http://teknologimalaysia.academia.edu/ATR>
>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net
>>>>             <http://p2pfoundation.net/>  -
>>>>             http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>>>>             <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/>
>>>>             Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>>>>             <http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/>; Discuss:
>>>>             http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>>>             Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens;
>>>>             http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
>>>>             http://twitter.com/mbauwens;
>>>>             http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>>>             Think tank:
>>>>             http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             p2presearch mailing list
>>>>             p2presearch at listcultures.org  <mailto:p2presearch at listcultures.org>
>>>>             http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>             p2presearch mailing list
>>>             p2presearch at listcultures.org
>>>             <mailto:p2presearch at listcultures.org>
>>>             http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>>         -- 
>>>         P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net
>>>         <http://p2pfoundation.net/>  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>>>         <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/>
>>>         Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>>>         <http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/>; Discuss:
>>>         http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>>         Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens;
>>>         http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens; http://twitter.com/mbauwens;
>>>         http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>>         Think tank:
>>>         http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>>     -- 
>>     P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  -
>>     http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>>     Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
>>     http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>     Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens;
>>     http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens; http://twitter.com/mbauwens;
>>     http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>     Think tank:
>>     http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> _______________________________________________
> p2presearch mailing list
> p2presearch at listcultures.org
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org

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