[p2p-research] Fwd: Ecocities Emerging - September 2010 Issue

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 10 09:23:56 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kirstin Miller and Richard Register <kirstin at ecocitybuilders.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 4:19 AM
Subject: Ecocities Emerging - September 2010 Issue
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

    Link to webpage version of this newsletter
       [image: ecocitystripheader.jpg]

   Ecocities Emerging
To support humanity's transition into the Ecozoic Era
Ecocity Builders
September 2010


Welcome to the September 2010 edition of Ecocities Emerging, an initiative
of Ecocity Builders and the International Ecocity Conference Series.

Our big news item: We just launched our new website!

Our new site makes it easier to learn about our mission and programs. It
will also enable us to become a better resource for the international
ecocity community. Keep checking back as we continue to upload all kinds of
useful information that has been heretofore tucked away in various files,
CDs, DVDs and computer drives, just waiting for an opportunity to be
properly posted. There are many more resources out there, and we'd very much
appreciate your help in sending us ecocity related links, papers,
presentations and project information. We're also going to launch an Ecocity
Builders projects sub site in just a few weeks with more detailed
information about our projects.

Our sincere thanks to Diana Divecha for sponsoring our website project and
to Design Action Collective for creating the design and building the site.

Our hosts in Montreal are gearing up for the next International Ecocity
to convene in August 2011. The Call for Papers will be issued very soon. If
you want to get onto the conference direct mailing list and receive
conference mailings from Urban Ecology Montreal, the local host
organization, please sign up through the Ecocity 2011 conference

I will be teaching a class on The Ecological City at the University of
California Berkeley Extension in San Francisco starting in early October. No
prior experience necessary. Link to more information

Finally, thank you for your continued interest in our work. We hope you'll
consider getting more involved, whether it be by becoming a member, making a
donation, volunteering or interning with us. Our new website has lots of
information about how to Get


[image: signature]

Kirstin Miller for Ecocity Builders

Ecocity Builders
339 15th Street, Suite 208
Oakland CA 94612 USA

 [image: sm.ecb]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4v52yGud5bzDr28bQYR7e8UtELtx62QlbRuQZRpy580FtZVHXrCvg_Erp-q12zM2JUraCYnAo_-EdVP9NmABt4gvYVeHZJbeKFSKLpwPQIiWg==>
Keeper of the International Ecocity Conference Series
Ecocity Builders is a non-profit organization dedicated to reshaping cities,
towns and villages for long-term health of human and natural systems.

[image: facebook.jpg]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4vX2AU3uHX4qV4S5-5gBE2JYCJE_2x-5Rf3bf8RDcP_9V82620bCKdVmoBZBzBZsyFpxzqkdozMoxVa3H3OVergFgoHRM6w0g1U23frWfeMaJWeqTrIlmy0G1BALEtZzvbC19TAwfvG57ApGYKyS8kY8d_v7k5-ji789yqC-b8QfXy4xlpxw2FA2kt6DcQgJes=>

The Ecozoic Era refers to a vision, first promoted by cosmologist Thomas
Berry, of an emerging epoch when humanity lives in a mutually enriching
relationship with the larger community of life on Earth.

Will we be able to make the transition in time to retain a biosphere healthy
enough to regenerate living systems now under extreme stress? Our role in
exploring ecocities is to clarify a vision of cities that can. And then go
out and build them. There is no way to be certain we will succeed, but our
position is that there's no time to just sit around and wonder about it: now
is time for action.

Maybe one day all cities will be ecocities.

     *10/10/10 at 10th Global Climate Work Party Day*
Creek restoration underway! Tour, learn, work, enjoy

[image: codornices.jpg]

In cooperation with .350.org and Friends of Five Creeks, Ecocity Builders is
cosponsoring tours and serious puttering at our Codornices Creek Daylighting
Project and Orchard and on the creek just west, bordering Berkeley and

Those visiting the site recently have been astonished at the enormous
winding creek work and future bicycle and foot path taking shape with
towering machines at work just downstream from 8th Street on the creek. Now
is your chance to learn about that, as well as the history of one of the
loveliest bits of nature in the cities of Berkeley and Albany. What does
creek restoration have to do with climate change solutions? A lot! Find out
about that too.

Do come down and join us. Sunday Oct. 10, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tour then
work in the lower reaches. Meet at 10th Street (10/10/10 at 10th) north of
Harrison (south edge of University Village), one block west of San Pablo and
two blocks north of Gilman (AC Transit 72 or 25). Latecomers: from the chain
link fence walk west on the trail to find us. All ages welcome. Snacks,
water, tools, and gloves provided.

Codornices Creek is Berkeley's and Albany's only stream with rainbow
trout/steelhead. Lots of native trees, bushes, flowers, vines, and usually
hummingbirds, dragon flies, butterflies...

    International Ecocity Standards
Ecocity Builders' Project Update

The International Ecocity Standards provide both the vision for an
ecologically restorative human presence on earth as well as a practical
methodology for assessing and guiding the achievement of such vision through
the lens of the ecocity.

As humanity is confronting the limits of a finite planet, observing global
climate destabilization and the endangerment of entire ecosystems, the
responsibility of its settlements and lifestyles' impact on climate change,
ecological destruction and resource depletion needs to be addressed.

The IES will establish levels of certification at scales from the block to
the region, and will insure that the highest level can be sustained in a way
that is enhancing of and synergistic with other living species and natural
systems. The various levels of certification will allow for a manageable
progression from our current situation to the highest level.

The IES platform adopts a systems view: not only is the built environment
one of the elements of that system, but so are the humans living there, the
other species sharing the same bioregion, as well as the human agency in the
world through lifestyle choices, work and investments.

We've created an early version of the top tier standards for the following
categories: materials, food, water, energy and air. Furthermore, we've
created a land use classification to identify areas of concentrated human
use (C) and areas to be set aside for relief and restoration (R) like
wilderness, natural parks and organic agriculture. Areas that are not
clearly identifiable as C or R are classified transition area (T), which
over time would either need to convert to C or R. This "C-R-T" System allows
planners to collapse a system with several hundred codes into three simple
areas. Then policy can create incentives for parts of the transition areas'
return to nature or continued development to concentrated human use. This
classification is important for the IES because a top tier ecocity will have
proximity to nature and a minimum of transition areas.

[image: CRT.jpg]

We created a classification of urban elements (UE) from city block to
neighborhood, and a classification of areas under various levels of
governance. We are planning to provide IES certification for city blocks
(UE1), neighborhoods (UE2), district/ward (UE3), city (G1), county/sub
province (G2) and metropolitan area G3 with our initial focus on G1 (city
level governance area). We created an additional classification system of
human settlements to account for differences based on population, density,
latitude, climate, altitude, continent, ethnic diversity, primary economic
driver, ecological footprint, wealth distribution and remoteness.

We have also drafted a list of representative towns that span across all
ranges of the above characteristics. The representative towns will be used
to test how IES and the certification process would impact towns with
different characteristics.

In early October we will be consulting with advisors and experts in
Vancouver Canada in association with the Gaining Ground

Link for more information on International Ecocity
    Detroit: From Arsenal of Democracy to Ecocity Launch Site

What a beautiful day! I'm floating across the vast landscape of Detroit
under bright blue skies with big white clouds billowing up, enormous
distances between. My rental bike from the Wheelhouse downtown by the river
feels like a magic carpet and the air temperature is perfect for a thin
shirt, fresh breeze on the skin. One surprise: the waters of the Detroit
River are deep and clear blue almost like those of the Bahamas and not at
all like the Mississippi and muddy rivers of China, India and Brazil I've
visited lately.

Detroit has vast open spaces where tens of thousands of houses used to be, a
staggering number. Thousands of those still standing are deserted, moldering
away, collapsing or burned out shells. Will something new, different,
beautiful rise from the ashes? Some few houses by percentage stand in lonely
open space, some showing considerable care, many with distant vistas to
downtown where formerly, long rows of houses blocked the view. These,
standing singly or in small clusters frequently have stately large trees
rising high over flower gardens, the ensemble looking something like rural
manor houses, if smaller, in a New Age/Old Country landscape. If you enjoy
the quite and don't mind the fairly long distances to anything resembling a
neighborhood commercial center for various sundries, staples or social
relaxation, and if you have just a little money or one of the scarce jobs,
this, minus the blackened hulks, could be someone's idea of a suburban

Now pedaling along I think of Phoenix. But Phoenix, Arizona rose from the
ashes of a place that was toast to start with - not ugly by any means and I
loved the deserts where I grew up in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, though
their crystalline dry air is long gone to gray white smog and the humidity
of irrigated lawns, swimming pools and golf course water traps. There really
shouldn't be a big cities in those scorching sands sprawling toward an
inevitable fall. Detroit in comparison grew up on rich soil, plentiful rain
and at a crossroads of trade. Nature and early settlement indicate a pretty
rich country able to support some real population and at the same time a
rich natural environment.

Link to more<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4tUUrdSWtU6o7hIwKBWBZJYc0h6YoqLgvuVMld94ouEsR3EyPbaFLPPn_en43j4F4CQqG_ISrhwH_hLwYtpl3BuLjrFP0muxqN15GaX8p2ZxZSddNQWpEsBsvbM9ACkpnUHyAJwj7oc6dIBIe7LEV7PjJuoWl8gb_9ok08mJwMEerBA6wsFkKcH_5NMjkbRnIz5583TNNOmKg==>

Richard Register is Founder and President of Ecocity Builders and
author of Ecocities,
Rebuilding Cities in Balance With Nature.
    Upcoming Class

"Ecological Cities", UC Berkeley Extension, San Francisco

Student in previous class explains her mapping project

- Instructor: Kirstin Miller, Executive Director, Ecocity Builders
- San Francisco, Wed. Oct. 20, 6:30 pm, 6 meetings
- $425

An elective in the Professional Program in Sustainable Design


This course familiarizes you with strategies to create a sustainable built
environment for people and nature by reshaping the built human
infrastructure using principles and methods grounded in ecology and
whole-systems thinking. Basic ecocity theory is presented, as are an
overview of the city in evolution; the city today; and a step-by-step method
for building the low-energy, sustainable city of tomorrow. Slide lectures,
selected readings, in-depth discussions, a field trip, mapping projects, and
collaborative working groups allow you to acquire useful knowledge of key
issues and concepts.

    [image: chinacityplayground]

August 22-26, 2011
Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Canada

Hosted by Urban Ecology Montréal, Ecocity World Summit 2011 will build on
work of past Ecocity World Summits while adding new conference themes,
participatory methods, and projects that will last beyond the life of the
conference. A unique addition is a strong theme emphasis featuring cold
climate cities such as Montreal itself. Our hosts have pointed out that this
is the first of all our International
Ecocity Conferences in a decidedly very cold winter city.

ISOCARP Partners with Philips on Livable Cities Award: Now Open for Entries

The Award is open for entries, with the deadline for submissions being 5pm,
28 October 2010.

ISOCARP is actively supporting the Philips Livable Cities Award, a global
initiative designed to encourage individuals, businesses, community and
non-governmental groups to develop practical, achievable ideas for improving
the health and well-being of people living in cities - ideas which can then
be translated into reality.

The Award is being overseen by a supervisory panel of independent experts.
There are three award categories: Well-being Outdoors; Independent Living;
and Healthy Lifestyle at Work and Home. The overall winning idea from any of
these three categories will receive a grant of €75,000, and an idea from
each of the two remaining categories will both also receive grants of
€25,000 each.

The Award is open for entries now, with the deadline for submissions being
5pm CET, 28 October 2010. Further information on the Award criteria and
categories plus an entry form can be found at:

In addition, ISOCARP has established a new featured group on the
professional social networking site LinkedIn to facilitate an issues-driven
discussion among people interested in making cities more healthy and livable
places. You can join the discussion group, called "Creating Healthy, Livable
Cities," by clicking here:

The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) is a
global association of experienced professional planners. It was founded in
1965 in a bid to bring together recognised and highly-qualified planners in
an international network. The ISOCARP network brings together individual and
institutional members from more than 80 countries worldwide. As a
non-governmental organisation ISOCARP is recognized by the UN, UNHCS and the
Council of Europe. The Society also has a formal consultative status with
UNESCO. More about

[image: isocarp.jpg]
ISOCARP Young Planning Professionals

  *"The problem is the present design of cities only a few stories high,
stretching outward in unwieldy sprawl for miles. As a result of their
sprawl, they literally transform the earth, turn farms into parking lots and
waste enormous amounts of time and energy transporting people, goods and
services over their expanses. My solution is urban implosion rather than
-Paolo Soleri

*  *Ecocity Builders' Calendar


September 13-15
Kathmandu, Nepal
"Living City Kathmandu" meetings and site visits with Ecocity Builders and
local team members

October 2
Berkeley, California
Watershed Poetry
Ecocity Builders co-sponsors and speaks at the environmental updates
Strawberry Creek Walk

October 4-7
Vancouver, Canada
Gaining Ground Presents: Eco Logical, The Power of Green Cities to Shape the
Ecocity Builders and the International Ecocity Standards Project will
present and lead a facilitated workshop, plus host an Ecocity Salon

October 6-7
Incheon, Korea
"Future of Cities"<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4s4HRiAe9mWBqGkNSWO50P7wEEPBin7RelhsmLrK6vlQWzxd5_colx7ZqKfEONaFAerrI1eczhObKyb2yfVa0Lo7M9cO2OrbxnP_hBMgn6fSL5HYlZoVs3LZaHNj1KZWG8=>ICLEI
World Congress
Richard Register will give a plenary presentation

October 10
Berkeley, CA
350.org Work Party. Cordornices Creek, West Berkeley. With Friends of Five
Creeks. More info here.

Fall Semester, UC Berkeley Extension
"Ecological Cities"
by Kirstin Miller, Executive Director, Ecocity Builders


Ecocity World Summit, the 9th International Ecocity
August 22-26, 2011
Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada

Hosted by Urban Ecology Montréal, Ecocity World Summit 2011 will build on
work of past Ecocity World Summits while adding new conference themes,
participatory methods, and projects that will last beyond the life of the
conference. Detailed conference content and design will be developed in
collaboration with local and international partners, making sure that the
particular urban ecological expertise of Montréal is highlighted.
    Rediscovering Simplicity: The Cyclists of Italy (a photo diary)
by Sven Eberlein

[image: italybiker.jpg]

Whenever I travel to different countries and cities, one of the things I'm
interested in is how locals move around in their daily lives. Call me a
transportation glutton, but I'm a sucker for trains, boats, rickshaws,
trams, buses, gondolas, back alleys, and sidewalks.

Then, of course, there's the most sublime transit invention of them all: the
bicycle. It's so simple - even a non-techie like myself understands how it
works - and yet so deliciously useful, relieving traffic, getting you
anywhere quickly, reducing CO2, keeping you in shape, letting you see a
place and interact with its people.

One thing I noticed on my trip to Italy a few months ago was how much bikes
were part of everyday life. With David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries as my
companion I strolled through the streets of cities and towns, trying to
capture the mundane beauty of cycling.

Read on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4uYcLz9qxgnJfPWALaldRVv4jgydZ8SPBS5Pg588kkU9Rrq1qQdo6nu21pva9-x49EbRGMGZITAKhCNEE2NK2V_tMKtZLYV7zjb_rKGYndHAlsPL-pfjqC_iTXUWt-zkKx2byvhqOA3JaD6GaC3wAU1zRDHCIgnEE57NjlEk25NtesCPmL6wBz9gQ5jrAa1h_XdpP58e2FaMv6k0hG7fUyNCofPilDShXo=>

    *Metropolitan Area Transformation*
By Richard Register

A friend wrote recently saying she wasn't aware of "ecovillages" that had a
strong edge between higher density full community and immediately adjacent
open space. Since I think the visual image of such an arrangement is so
interesting and important, I'll just record my response here.

"Thanks for your note and observation. I have seen some regular villages,
not self-consciously ecovillages, that are extremely compact, in China in
the 3 story range, in Turkey and Nepal in the six story range, with natural,
grazing and/or agricultural land or waters immediately next door. City walls
up against open space. There is Tori Superiori in Italy where a group of
people hoping to create a self-conscious ecovillage purchased this almost
single structure hyper compact small medieval village. Looks fascinating.
I'd love to visit.

I keep looking for cities that might break up into larger eco-type city
centers, mid sized district centers and with neighborhood centers turning
into ecovillages. I'm going to Detroit in a week where large areas -
thousands of acres of former thinly scattered development is turning into
open space, some of it new farming.

The whole galaxy of these new ecology-informed habitations - city centers
become ecocities, district centers becoming ecotowns and neighborhood
centers becoming ecovillages - would be a new and really exciting way to
live with probably one tenth the energy and one fifth the land demands of
the present average city with cars for most of its inhabitants.

I look at cities like Venice, Italy, Zermatt, Switzerland and Avalon on the
Island of Catalina in California which are zero car cities and very
successful. I'd imagine adding some solar energy retrofitting and more
biodiversity in or adjacent and they would then be very close to ecological
cities and villages.

People have been using artificial fill since the first cities in the
Mesopotamian valley 4,500 years ago, the cities of the Sumerian Civilization
being built on mounds to rise above the floods. That would work for New
Orleans and dozens of other coastal cities on nearly flat land or below sea
level. You could even have new agricultural islands very close or as a skirt
to such cities for intensive food production, biodynamic or permaculture
style, with some in solar greenhouses, some on rooftops. Very rich

This article also appeared in Richard's blog for the Broker
out of the Netherlands

    [image: chengde2.jpg]
Ecocity Builders' Executive Director Kirstin Miller in Chengde China for the
4th International Forum on Ecopolis Development

Establish an adaptive and livable city

- Declaration for Ecopolis Construction, Chengde China, 2010

The world is experiencing rapid urbanization and industrialization, this
process has not only enhanced the progress of urban civilization, but also
extensively and deeply threatened the urban environment, as well as regional
and global life supporting system and ecosystem services, it is a paramount
mission for modern cities to seek a socio-economically as well as
ecologically harmonious urban society, meanwhile, achieve civilized
transformation and innovation.

After extensive and in-depth communications and discussions, conference
participants realized that the environmental risk and the opportunities for
the fast developing cities, have achieved a common understanding that under
the background of economic globalization, further adapt the principles and
methods of ecopolis building in rapid growing cities is needed.

I. Rapid ecopolis construction should consist of the following five facets:

   - Eco Research: facilitate academic exchanges and intellectual
   integration in the researches on urbanization, enhance integrated and
   systematic researches in multidisciplinary, cross-regional and
   cross-sectional circumstances.
   - Eco Planning: convert human-centered urban planning concept into an
   interactive urban eco planning system between eco-services and human needs,
   further facilitate the transformation of current urban planning mechanism as
   well as system renovation towards healthy planning and technology for
   - Eco Management: change technology-prioritized traditional management
   mode  and encourage the concept of innovative eco-management-
   - Eco Construction: optimise the economic growth mode by developing
   circular economy and ecological industry, and emphasis systematic management
   on sustainable resource utilization and life cycle of products. disseminate
   and promote urban eco-engineering and technologies, lead the
   eco-construction towards eco-service oriented urban buildings,
   transportation, materialization of the waste and landscape design.
   - Eco Education: promote urban eco-education through eco-culture
   innovation, apprehend correctly every citizen to understand the
   interrelation of human and nature in cities as well as the
   eco-responsibility of human, lead the transition of traditional urban
   consumption, through cross-sectional cooperation, enhance community
   education, school education as well as occupational education, internet
   education as well as educational program organized by NGOs, to achieve a
   favorable urban eco-learning atmosphere.

II. To construct an adaptive and livable city in its rapid growing process,
the following activities are needed to take:

   - Through various international co-operations among governments,
   enterprises and voluntary groups, to establish global organizations that are
   specialized in key eco-questions researches, communications, training and
   technology dissemination, prioritize and organize relevant international
   cooperation on multidisciplinary research plan and technical training
   program for ecopolis.
   - Focus on international cooperation on rapid growing ecopolis, select
   globally representative cities for researches, integration as well as
   disseminations on ecopolis planning and its experiences and technologies,
   facilitate interactive and cooperative activities among countries, to
   accelerate mutual development on economic globalization as well as
   ecological globalization; establish general information platform, facilitate
   interactive support on ecopolis construction experiences and methods,
   specially between the developed and developing countries.
   - Focus on spatial sprawl problems in rapid growing cities, promote
   eco-control prioritized urban space construction model, seek solutions on
   urban sprawl--a common phenomena found in rapid growing cities--through
   planning, technologies and management.
   - Focus on population scale in rapid growing cities, shape the population
   scale through rational analysis in eco-fragile areas, sensitive zones,
   regional life-support system and bearing capacities. Meanwhile, improve the
   life quality of the population, scientifically manage urban population
   structure and its trends.
   - Focus on rapid growing mountain cites and the eco-construction
   problems, mountain cities have their representations and characteristics,
   further improve the managerial system establishment on population scale and
   its distributions in mountain city functions and spatial orders of
   infrastructures, eco fragility and carrying capacity, eco education.
   - Focus on the metabolism issues of rapid growing cities, through eco
   design and eco project technology R&D, set up a technical system, which
   should deal with urban water conservation, renewable energy and sustainable
   resource utilization, recycle and reuse the waste materials, alleviate heat
   island effect, ecosystem restoration, urban landscape integration, urban
   traffic flow as well as optimized adjustment on material flow in different
   countries and regions.
   - Focus on eco-education and eco-management in rapid growing cities,
   improve public capacity on ecopolis construction, actively encourage urban
   communities and public to participate in ecopolis management, planning and
   construction, establish participatory learning mechanism for eco-education.
   Promote mechanism innovation and demonstration projects, and include
   management of eco-services and eco-land-use into relevant priority policy
   making for ecopolis building, facilitate establishment of ecopolis
   managerial institutions among countries, countries and regions, and among

International Council on Ecopolis Development (IntEcopolis) was initiated at
the Fifth International Eco-city Conference in 2002 at Shenzhen of China by
delegates from SCOPE/ICSU, Society for Human Ecology (SHE), International
Ecological Engineering Society (IEES), International Society for Ecology
(INTECOL), Ecocity Builder (ECOCITY) and International Society for City and
Regional Planners (ISoCaRP), International Council on Ecopolis Development
(IntEcopolis) was established in Sept. 2006.

IntEcopolis Website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4tLjox7PxcNWIV023GIrfjhj0jeqwpYeVJWfd1vbP04wYb1n2tKFeAE8oUcqapVGisLQXuZ-Yz7gH4WDmib0K3zNrfHFyIPUBBkoaxuSNkznBpvIy_XPr2q>


 Ecocity Builders is a non-profit organization dedicated to reshaping
cities, towns and villages for long-term health of human and natural
systems. Join us and help rebuild cities in balance with nature.

CLICK HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4v52yGud5bzDr28bQYR7e8UtELtx62QlbRuQZRpy580FtZVHXrCvg_Erp-q12zM2JUraCYnAo_-EdVP9NmABt4gvYVeHZJbeKFSKLpwPQIiWg==>TO

[image: sm.ecb]

    *Principal Features of an Ecocity
[image: eco-city characteristics]

     [image: STV.EE.AD]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1103660614839&s=12359&e=001C8NiRcgon4uPEYPoKQbfOkepQLv2WdeOwGZ0VCL0M7p55d45A_YjO4Xae53BQBc4ntbiKvfr0VxXYnM1nA59WmRzd5Uw1HmecpeNsKUAQ8G9hqwO2WWzyu_MDmOWlWCzT94Jh0fs2dA=>
[image: sm.ecs]

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Ecocity Builders | 339 15th Street, Suite 208 | Oakland | CA | 94612

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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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