[p2p-research] French Government Looks to Mass Spyware to Control P2P Software

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Tue Sep 7 17:32:10 CEST 2010

begin Tom Rawlings quotation of Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 02:22:36PM +0100:

> "Once you’ve got government-mandated software installed on each
> machine, the software has the keys to the kingdom… While the
> justification may be pitched as protecting children and mostly
> concerning pornography, once the architecture is set up it can be
> used for broader purposes, such as the filtering of political
> ideas."

As soon as you get a "remote control" antifeature
on privately owned computers, you also make them
vulnerable to a patent attack:


A software patent case against the supplier of some
software on your system could result in a remote
update that disables features or "bricks" the device

Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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