[p2p-research] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Fwd: [transitioncityleeds] Free artricles to downlaod: Paper Symposium on 'Autonomy and Activism' published by Antipode, Geography's radical journal.

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 14:11:22 CEST 2010

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From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante at ecobytes.net>
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: [knowledgelab] Fwd: [transitioncityleeds] Free artricles to
downlaod: Paper Symposium on 'Autonomy and Activism' published by Antipode,
Geography's radical journal.
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

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From: Anna Harris <anna at shsh.co.uk>
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:36 AM
Subject: [knowledgelab] Fwd: [transitioncityleeds] Free artricles to
downlaod: Paper Symposium on 'Autonomy and Activism' published by Antipode,
Geography's radical journal.
To: anarchist.academics at lists.mutualaid.org, knowledgelab at lists.aktivix.org

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From: Paul Chatterton <P.Chatterton at leeds.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 1:23 PM
Subject: [transitioncityleeds] Free artricles to downlaod: Paper Symposium
on 'Autonomy and Activism' published by Antipode, Geography's radical


* *

*FREE ARTICLES downloadable in new Paper Symposium on ‘Autonomy and
Activism’ published by Antipode, Geography’s radical journal.*


Antipode, Geography's long standing radical journal of Geography, is pleased
to announce a special symposium of papers called: 'Autonomy: The struggle
for survival, self-management and the common' (Vol 42:4). This symposium has
been pulled together by Paul Chatterton, from the University of Leeds,
cofounder of the MA in Activism and Social Change (
www.activismsocialchange.org.uk) and the 'Cities and Social Justice'
research group in the School of Geography.

The articles in this paper symposium aim to reflect the rich and creative
desire of autonomous political activism that has flourished over the last
decade through the anti-globalisation and anti-capitalist movement leading
to new tactics and ideas for resistance and alternatives to capitalism such
as climate camps, anti-roads protests, social centres, squats, free schools,
teach-ins and hacklabs.

These articles are all concerned with the urgent political tasks of
promoting self management and building practices and spaces embedded in
commoning as survival routes out of the capitalist present. They are framed
by a backdrop of the need for urgent change. Their concepts, case studies
and provocations invite us to dwell further on this preoccupation and to
force solutions into existence. The hope is that the papers presented here
will stimulate much needed further writing, research and action from
academics, campaigners and activists on the desire for autonomy – a desire
that points to survival routes out of this capitalist present through
building capacity for self management and the development of the common.

Contributors to the Special Symposium are leading academics and activists
from across the world directly involved in the practice and theory of
autonomous politics. They include:

*John Holloway* who lives in Mexico and is author of several landmark books
on autonomous Marxism including most recently ‘Crack Capitalism’ (Pluto,
2009) and is one of the leading commentators on the Zapatista insurrection.

*Gustavo Esteva *is writer and activist and author of numerous books
including the classic text ‘Grassroots Postmodernism’ (Zed Books). He is
currently involved in many grassroots struggles in Oaxaca, Mexico, including
the Oaxacan Popular Peoples Assembly (APPO) and “La Universidad de La
Tierra” (“The University of the Land”)**

* *

*Chris Carlsson and Francesca Manning*. Chris Carlsson has been an activist
and writer in San Francisco for a number of decades and was involved in
setting up the magazine *Processed World* in the 1980s. He is a dedicated
nowtopian, developing this idea in a recent book (Carlsson, 2008). Francesca
Manning is pursuing these ideas at the CUNY Graduate Centre.

*Massimo de Angelis* is Professor of Political Economy at the University of
East London and is author of one of the key books on commoning and value
struggles (De Angelis, 2007). he is also editor of the website and online
publication ‘The Commoner: a web journal of other values’ (

*Jai Sen*, writer and activist from India who has been involved in the World
Social forum Movement since its inception, continues this theme with an
article on open space. Sen is Director of ‘India Institute for Critical
Action: Centre In Movement’.

*The Free Association* who are a writing collective based in several
locations some of whom are involved in publishing the magazine ‘Turbulence:
Ideas for Movement’ and write at www.freelyassociating.org.

All the papers are *FREE to download* in Volume 42:4 and include:

·         Paul Chatterton. Autonomy. The struggle for survival,
self-management and the common

·         Gustavo Esteva. The Oaxaca Commune and Mexico’s coming

·         Chris Carlsson and Francesca Manning Nowtopia: Strategic Exodus?

·         John Holloway Crack capitalism. The Crisis of Abstract Labour

·         The Free Association. Antagonism, neo-liberalism and movements.
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast.

·         Jai Sen. On open space Explorations towards a vocabulary of a more
open politics

·         Massimo De Angelis The Production of Commons and the “Explosion”
of the  Middle Class


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