[p2p-research] Fwd: FW: CCI PhD Research Opportunities in 2011

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 06:23:32 CEST 2010

Dear friends,

This is an excellent program, and alex burns is right on target in his
understanding of produsage ... I was actually accepted for the 2010 program
myself but had to decline because it was not compatible with my family's
sustainability .. but if you're single, this is strongly recommended,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Axel Bruns <a.bruns at qut.edu.au>
Date: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 5:42 AM
Subject: FW: CCI PhD Research Opportunities in 2011
To: Axel Bruns <a.bruns at qut.edu.au>

  Dear colleague,

My apologies for the impersonal email.

As you may have seen already, the CCI has just sent out its annual call for
PhD applications, and I would like to ask you pass it on to any of your
colleagues or contacts who may be interested. Your help in spreading this
call would be very much appreciated !

More information is available from the CCI Website (
http://cci.edu.au/about/research_students), and a few concrete project ideas
are listed here: http://cci.edu.au/content/potential-cci-phd-projects-2011.
For students from outside Australia, the submission deadline is 30 Sep.
2010, for domestic students it’s 15 October (at least for QUT – other CCI
partner universities will have other deadline).

*From:* Rebekah McClure
*Sent:* Thursday, 2 September 2010 16:27
*Subject:* CCI PhD Research Opportunities in 2011

*[image: CCI purple.jpg]***

* *

*PhD research opportunities at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative
Industries and Innovation in 2011*

Undertaking your PhD at the *ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative
Industries and Innovation (CCI)* means you will be working with world class
researchers who can offer supervision of the highest standards. Our research
activities cover a broad range of emerging issues, themes and projects
across the entertainment and creative industries including innovation and
policy development; significant project collaborations with Asia; a major
project looking at broadband services; mapping the creative industries; IP
law; a global cultural futures study and other projects which engage
community and industry partners in creative industries from major film
studios to the Salvation Army and ‘at-risk’ young people working as media

*About the CCI*

The *ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation
(CCI)*was established in 2005 to focus research and development on the
role the
creative industries and their contributing disciplines make to a more
dynamic and inclusive innovation system and society.

With core support from the Australian Research Council from 2005-13, it is
acknowledged as a global leader in this emerging field. It is a
broadly-based, cross-disciplinary, internationally-focused centre embracing
both fundamental theoretical, and highly applied, research in media,
cultural and communication studies, law, education, economics and business
and information technology, addressing key problems and opportunities
arising for Australia, the Asian region, and more broadly in the world, from
innovation in and through the creative economy.

The Centre’s administering institution is the Queensland University of
Technology in Brisbane, Australia. The core collaborating partners are
Swinburne University of Technology (VIC), Australian Film Television and
Radio School (NSW), Edith Cowan University (WA), University of Wollongong
(NSW) and the University of New South Wales.

The Centre's research projects are organised around four key themes:

   - Conceptual Modelling
   - Digital Innovations
   - Policy and Macro-Trends
   - Skills and Creative Capital

Within these four themes, a number of past and current projects span a wide
range of interests and topics. We encourage you to visit the CCI Projects
Page at: *http://www.cci.edu.au/projects *to find out more about the
Centre’s activities.

*Undertaking a PhD at CCI*

A PhD at CCI gives you the chance to undertake in-depth study in a specific
area, by way of independent learning combined with the mentoring of
internationally renowned researchers.

Graduate research students at CCI have a passion for their topics and fields
of research. They take the opportunity to examine important problems at the
cutting edge of their disciplines. A list of current CCI research students
and their topics is available at:

Applicants would normally have completed a recognised Australian master's
degree by research or bachelor's degree with first or second class honours
(division 1).

To support you in your research studies, The Commonwealth Government
Department of Education provides Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) which
are tenable at an Australian tertiary institution for doctoral and masters
research degrees. The scholarships are each valued at $22,500 (tax free) per
annum with additional relocation and thesis allowances. Competition for the
APA is high.

Prospective students, both domestic and international, may also apply for
university awarded post graduate scholarships. Some of these offer a living
allowance comparable to the APA scholarships as well as offering a number of
top-up scholarships. For further information on scholarships, including each
University’s internal deadlines, see the following links:





*Edith Cowan*:


*University of Wollongong*:


In addition to the awards mentioned above, competitively-selected top-up
scholarships are available to CCI research students who undertake their PhD
under the supervision of CCI researchers at one of the following

·      Queensland University of Technology

·      Swinburne University of Technology

·      Edith Cowan University

·      University of Wollongong

We would like to encourage you to apply. *The deadlines for all these
scholarship**s occur during October*.


*To view potential PhD projects commencing in 2011, visit* *
http://cci.edu.au/content/potential-cci-phd-projects-2011 *

First, think about the area in which you would like to conduct research by
visiting the centre website http://cci.edu.au/. Here you can view our
current projects and possible supervisors. You can also visit the CCI
webpage for Research Students at: http://cci.edu.au/about/research_students.

You should then put together a brief proposal and email it along with your
CV to the supervisor who you wish to work with and make further contact with
them to discuss the proposal. A list of our supervisors with their email
contacts is below. Alternatively, you can email Dr Harvey May at
h.may at qut.edu.au with your proposal, who will seek to match your area of
interest with a CCI supervisor.

Once you have made contact with the supervisor you are interested in working
with*, you will need to complete the **Scholarship Application form at
youruniversity of choice
*. Remember, the closing dates vary from university to university but are
between the 17th and 31st of October, 2010. For application forms and
advice, please email the Research Student Support Officer at the CCI partner
university you wish to enrol at:

*Queensland University of Technology*:

kate.simmonds at qut.edu.au

*Edith Cowan University*:

scholarships at ecu.edu.au

*Swinburne University of Technology*:

 dmeredyth at swin.edu.au

*University of Wollongong*:

wgullett at uow.edu.au**

* *

*CCI Supervisors*

*Queensland University of Technology:*

*Axel Bruns: a.bruns at qut.edu.au ***

Dr Axel Bruns is an Associate Professor in the Creative Industries Faculty
at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and Chief
Investigator in the CCI. He is the author of *Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life
and Beyond: From Production to Produsage* <http://produsage.org/> (2008) and
*Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News
Production*<http://snurb.info/gatewatching>(2005), and the editor of
*Uses of Blogs with Joanne Jacobs* <http://www.usesofblogs.com/> (2006; all
released by Peter Lang, New York). His research Website is http://snurb.info,
and he also contributes to the
http://MappingOnlinePublics.net <http://mappingonlinepublics.net/> group
blogs. His areas of interest include produsage, social media, citizen
journalism, and online network mapping.

*Brian Fitzgerald: bf.fitzgerald at qut.edu.au *

Professor Brian Fitzgerald studied law at the Queensland University of
Technology graduating as University Medallist in Law and holds postgraduate
degrees in law from Oxford University and Harvard University. Brian’s
current projects include work on intellectual property issues across the
areas of Copyright, Digital Content and the Internet, Copyright and the
Creative Industries in China, Open Content Licensing and the Creative
Commons, Free and Open Source Software, Research Use of Patents, Science
Commons, e-Research, Licensing of Digital Entertainment and
Anti-Circumvention Law.**

*Greg Hearn: g.hearn at qut.edu.au *

Professor Greg Hearn’s work focuses on mapping and policy development for
the Creative Industries. He has been involved in high level consulting and
applied research examining new media and industry/organisational forms for
more than two decades, with organisations including British Airways, Hewlett
Packard, and many Australian national and state government agencies. He was
a consultant to the Broadband Services Expert Group, the national policy
group that formulated Australia’s foundational framework for the internet in
1994. In 2005 he was an invited member of a working party examining the role
of creativity in the innovation economy for the Australian Prime Minister’s
Science Engineering and Innovation Council. He has authored or co-authored
over 20 major research reports and six books, including The communication
superhighway: Social and economic change in the digital age (1998: Allen and
Unwin) and Knowledge Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century (2008).

*Jean Burgess: je.burgess at qut.edu.au*

Dr Jean Burgess has a background in music, media and cultural studies. Her
research and supervision interests focus on user-created content, online
social networks, and co-creative media such as digital storytelling. With
Axel Bruns she holds an ARC Discovery Grant to track, analyse and visualise
Australian user-created content and its role in public communication – see
http://mappingonlinepublics.net for further details. She is the co-author of
YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture, published by Polity Press
in 2009, and subsequently translated into Portuguese (Editora Aleph) and
Italian (Editore EGEA). Burgess has developed several applied research
partnerships with cultural institutions and community-based organizations,
focusing on the uses of co-creative media such as digital storytelling for
cultural participation, advocacy and engagement.

*Jo Ann Tacchi: j.tacchi at qut.edu.au *

Jo Tacchi is a Centre Fellow in the Australian Research Council’s Centre of
Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation at the Queensland
University of Technology, Australia. She is joint Co-ordinator of the Asian
Creative Transformations group within the centre, leading research into the
everyday uses of new technologies. Trained as an anthropologist, Jo’s
research is mostly concerned with media, communications and development. She
also has a long standing interest in media and affect, and the role of radio
and new audio technologies in domestic spaces. Jo has developed
methodologies that combine ethnographic principles with action research
cycles (ear.findingavoice.org), and is the co-author of *Action Research and
New Media* published in 2009 by Hampton Press. Her current work in Asia
explores issues of voice and participation in relation to information and
communication technologies (ICT), media and development.

*John Banks: ja.banks at qut.edu.au *

Dr John Banks is a research fellow in the Centre of Excellence for Creative
Industries and Innovation. His research interests focus on consumer
co-creation relations (user created content and user-led innovation) in the
interactive entertainment industry with a particular interest in videogames.
John has a background working in the videogames industry; he has published
widely on research grounded in this industry background. This research is
internationally recognised for the contribution to the fields of media
studies and cultural studies provided by his ethnographic case studies of
how these co-creative relations are negotiated in the workplace practices
and cultures of creative industries companies. This research addresses
issues including labour relations and the transformation of professional
expertise. John’s current research explores sources and processes of
innovation in the interactive entertainment industry and he currently leads
an Australian Research Council linkage project involving six of Australia's
leading interactive entertainment companies.

*John Hartley: j.hartley at qut.edu.au *

John Hartley, AM, is Distinguished Professor of Queensland University of
Technology, and Research Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for
Creative Industries and Innovation, Australia. A former ARC Federation
Fellow, he was founding dean of the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT, and
previously founding head of the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural
Studies at Cardiff University in Wales. He is the author of 20 books and
many articles on cultural, media and journalism studies; and more recently
the study of the creative industries. Recent books include *the Uses of
Digital Literacy* (2009), *Story circle: Digital Storytelling Around the
World* (2009), *Television Truths *(2008) and *Creative Industries* (2005).
John Hartley is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of the
Humanities, and in 2009 was awarded the Order of Australia (AM) for service
to education.**

*Mark Ryan: m3.ryan at qut.edu.au***

Dr. Mark Ryan, who publishes as Mark David Ryan, is a research fellow for
the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology. His
PhD research explored the recent boom in Australian horror movies:
production and distribution models; and the industrial, market and
technological forces driving production. His thesis constituted the first
major study of Australian horror cinema, and the first to explore a popular
movie genre’s industry dynamics within Australian cinema through sectoral
analysis. Ryan’s thesis is nominated for QUT’s Outstanding Thesis Award (to
be announced late 2010), an achievement attained by less than 10 per cent of
annual doctoral theses. Since the completion of his doctoral research, Ryan
has have emerged as one of Australia’s leading experts on Australian horror

*Michael Keane: m.keane at qut.edu.au ***

Assoc-Prof Keane’s research  includes creative industries and innovation
policy in China; audio-visual industry policy and development in China,
South Korea, and Taiwan; the management, design and operation of creative
clusters in China and East Asia; and new cultural formats in Asia (including
TV, film, animation, literature and tourism). He is coordinator of Asian
Creative Transformations which is a platform for integrating emerging
research on Asia at QUT. His web site is *
http://creativeasia.squarespace.com* <http://creativeasia.squarespace.com/>.
Michael is the author of *Created in China: the Great New Leap
Forward*(2007). His forthcoming sole authored books are
*Governance, Human Capital and Investment in China's Creative Clusters
2011) and *In Creativity There is No East or West *(Bloomsbury Academic). He
is co-author of *New Television, Globalization and the East Asian Cultural
Imagination* (with Anthony Fung and Albert Moran HKU Press 2007), and
co-editor of *Cultural Adaptation* (with Albert Moran Routledge 2010) and *TV
Drama in China (2008) *(with Ying Zhu and Ruoyun Bai HKU Press).

*Ruth Bridgstock: r.bridgstock at qut.edu.au *

Dr Ruth Bridgstock works within CCI’s Creative Workforce program. Her
research interests relate to lifelong individual career and organisational
development in the post-compulsory education and business contexts of the
21st century. Her PhD research took a longitudinal approach to the
investigation of individual and contextual predictors of graduate
employability and early career success in the creative industries. Ruth’s
current fellowship project ‘Creating Innovators’ (
http://www.creating-innovators.com) is concerned with building and testing
theory relating to effective university education for careers in the
innovation sectors, based on the trajectories of high flyers in the fields
of science, technology, and the creative industries.

*Sandra Haukka: s.haukka at qut.edu.au***

Dr Sandra Haukka has worked as a researcher in the VET and adult education
sectors for the past 13 years. She is currently a Senior Researcher Fellow
in CCI's Creative Workforce Program, focusing on human capital development
in the Creative Industries. She has undertaken similar research for other
industries and industry sectors, such as construction, electrotechnology,
aged care, education, children's services, tourism, biosciences, materials
science, and wireless communication. Governments, industry associations,
peak bodies, and philanthropic organisations have funded her research. Prior
to joining QUT, Sandra worked in the Post Compulsory Education and Training
Research Centre at RMIT University; as a project officer for an industry
training board; as a consultant to registered training providers; and in
training roles in the Victorian community sector. In 2003, the Victorian
Government awarded her a prestigious Victoria Fellowship to undertake an
overseas study mission as part of her doctoral research. During the study
mission (2003-2004), Sandra was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oulu
in Finland and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has been a
Visiting Research Fellow at Adult Learning Australia since 2007 as well as a
member of the Workplace Skills and Productivity Policy Committee at the
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland since 2006.

*Stuart Cunningham: s.cunningham at qut.edu.au*

Stuart Cunningham is the Centre’s Director. He is Distinguished Professor of
Media and Communications, Queensland University of Technology and holds a
ministerial appointment to the Library Board of Queensland and is an elected
member of the board of the Council for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
(CHASS). He was President of the Council of Humanities, Arts and Social
Sciences (CHASS), 2006-8, an appointed member of the Australian Research
Council’s College of Experts 2005-2007, and Chair of the Humanities and
Creative Arts Panel of that College, 2007; Treasurer and Executive Member of
Council, Australian Academy of the Humanities, 2002-6; and Node Convenor,
Cultural Technologies, for the ARC Cultural Research Network, 2004-6. He was
Foundation Chair of QPIX, Queensland’s Screen Resource Centre, 1997-2005 and
a Commissioner of the Australian Film Commission, 1992-98. He received the
Centenary Medal in 2003 for services to the humanities in Australia. He is
well known for his contributions to media, communications and cultural
studies and to their relevance to industry practice and government policy.
He has supervised 25 research students to successful completion and has been
a QUT ‘Supervisor of the Year’. Broad supervision topic areas include
cultural, media and communications studies and policy and creative
industries policy and industry studies and their relation to innovation.
Current or recent topics supervised include Chinese mobile markets and brand
strategies, Beijing as a media capital, film genre studies and film
practice, Australian regional development through creative industries policy
interventions employing action research methods.

*Terry Flew: t.flew at qut.edu.au *

*Professor Terry Flew is Professor of Media and Communications in the
Creative Industries Faculty at the Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Australia. He is the author of New Media: An Introduction (Oxford,
2008, 3rd Edition), Understanding Global Media (Palgrave, 2007) and *The
Creative Industries, Culture and Policy (Sage, 2011 (forthcoming)). *He has
contributed book chapters to leading international publications such as
Dewesternising Media Studies (eds. J. Curran and M.-J. Park, Routledge,
2000), Handbook of New Media (eds. L. Lievrouw and S. Livingstone, Sage,
2002), and Creative Industries (ed. J. Hartley, Blackwell, 2005), and has
also been published in leading international academic journals such as
International Journal of Cultural Policy, Television and New Media,
Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism and International Journal of
Cultural Studies. *Current research interests include social media, Asian
media capitals, cultural economic geography of cities, and the relationship
between new media and citizenship.**

*Edith Cowan University:*

*Lelia Green: l.green at ecu.edu.au *

Lelia Green is Professor of Communications in the School of Communications
and Arts, Faculty of Education and Arts, Edith Cowan University, Perth.
Author of The internet: An introduction to new media (Berg, 2010), and
Technoculture: From alphabet to cybersex (Allen & Unwin 2002), Lelia has
also published more than eighty refereed papers and chapters and serves on
the editorial board of the Australian Journal of Communication. As a former
TV researcher and director, Lelia has had a career-long commitment to
applied research in media and the creative industries, including informal
locales such as FanFiction and LAN/Gaming circles. She also investigates
relationships which use media and communication technologies to connect
individuals to each other and to their communities. Latterly, her
involvement in creative and performing arts research has seen her contribute
to critiques of practice-led methods that lead to non-traditional research
outputs. Lelia is particularly keen to supervise students who wish to
research young people’s use of the internet and/or online communities.

*Swinburne University of Technology:*

*Julian Thomas: jthomas at swin.edu.au*

Professor Julian Thomas is the Director of the Institute for Social Research
(ISR) at Swinburne University of Technology and Professor of Media and
Communications there. His current projects include a study of household
internet access in remote indigenous communities; the Youthworx project
connecting 'at risk' young people with media training; the Australian
component of the World Internet Project, work on piracy and informal media
economies; and histories of intellectual property law. Before joining the
ISR in 2001, Julian taught new media at RMIT, worked on the staff of the
Productivity Commission's 1999-2000 Broadcasting Inquiry, and was a senior
research fellow at the former Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media
Policy at Griffith University. Julian has written widely on media and
information policy and the cultural histories of new communications
technologies. His book on the history of intellectual property law,
co-authored with Megan Richardson, will be published in 2011 by Cambridge
UP. He is a board member of the Foundation for Public Interest Journalism
and a member of the Consumer Consultative Forum of the Australian Media and
Communications Authority. He is also associate editor of CCI's website
Creative Economy, (www.creative.org.au), a gateway to research and analysis
of Australia's creative industries and their cultural and social impact.**

*University of Wollongong:*

*Christoph Antons: cantons at uow.edu.au *

Christoph Antons is Professor of Comparative Law in the Faculty of Law and a
member of the Institute for Social Transformation Research (ISTR) at the
University of Wollongong. He is an External Associate at the Max Planck
Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law in Munich and
Adjunct Research Fellow at the Australian Global Studies Research Centre of
the University of Western Australia. He is the author of *Intellectual
Property Law in Indonesia* (2000), editor of *Law and Development in East
and Southeast Asia* (2003) and of *Traditional Knowledge, Traditional
Cultural Expressions and Intellectual Property Law in the Asia-Pacific
Region* (2009) and co-editor (with Michael Blakeney and Christopher Heath)
of *Intellectual Property Harmonisation Within ASEAN and APEC *(2004) and
(with Volkmar Gessner) of *Globalisation and Resistance: Law Reform in Asia
since the Crisis *(2007).

A copy of the flyer is also *attached*, for distribution.

Please feel free to forward on to interested colleagues and friends...

Rebekah McClure

Centre Manager

ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI)

Queensland University of Technology, Creative Industries Precinct, Level 5,
The Works Z1, Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, QLD 4059 Australia
P +61 7 3138 3889 I F +61 7 3138 3723 I E
rebekah.mcclure at qut.edu.au<rebekah.denning at qut.edu.au>I
W http://www.cci.edu.au I CRICOS No. 00213J

Subscribe to the International Journal of Cultural Studies via Sage
Publications below


Dr Axel Bruns              http://snurb.info/ - http://produsage.org/

ARC Centre for Creative Industries and Innovation  http://cci.edu.au/

Associate Professor, Media & Communication         a.bruns at qut.edu.au

Creative Industries Faculty, Z1-515, CIP     Twitter: @snurb_dot_info

Queensland University of Technology                    +61 7 31385548

Musk Ave, Kelvin Grove, Qld. 4059, Australia       CRICOS No.: 00213J

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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