[p2p-research] rants on sociometry

mrc eskerda at hacklaviva.net
Fri Sep 3 19:05:19 CEST 2010

These are bits worth for me to mention now about when having read some
sociometric papers:
*History of sociometry:
Flaw explained at the end(Similar to what happens at
Sociobiology-memetics, economic$, and etc.

*Benefits of Exploring Group Member Connections in a Therapy Group
"[...]I describe the connections between people in the group like a number of
strings stretched between people forming a net. When those strings are
strong, people can take risks, knowing if they fell off the high wire
there was a safety net under them. If the net gets frayed or weak in
places, then I like to help those places become strong again. Everyone
benefits from the
safety and the examples of courageous people facing their lives directly and
not hiding and being scared."

Most of the times it helps a lot for not having sociometric lacks to be
courageous at looking at your inside and choose to modify part of your
values' scale(=concurrency solutions) that falacelly were pushing you to
belong to that group or predefined 'conventional' set which made you
require therapy for yourself, and other groups instead in the first place.
ok, if you can and they let you.. lol.

Apart of this, i got many tips for groups dynamics facilitating
techniques, ...

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