[p2p-research] Fwd: "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 08:29:36 CEST 2010

Dear Thomas,

I think it would be a mistake to do all things via a ff single map, as the
p2p world is to all-encompassing

but perhaps we can use the same system to do other maps on p2p activities,

one I was thinking of was to identify concrete communities to visit, i.e.
p2p 'places', like hacker labs, coworking hubs, and the like,


On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:54 AM, Thomas v. Loeffelholz <p2p at colby.de> wrote:

> Dear list members,
> I think that this topic is very important, and even though the project
> mentioned is already quite interesting, maybe there is the possibility to
> get a broader scope on it.
> What if we engange in a global "mapping of peer-production / alternative
> economy" ?
> I quote Gibson-Graham ("Postcapitalist Politics"):
> "[The practice of seeing and speaking economy differently] encourages us to
> make visible the hidden and alternative economic activities that *
> everywhere* abound, and to connect them through a language of economic
> difference [..].
> If we can begin to see noncapitalist activities as prevalent and viable, we
> may be encouraged here and now to actively build on them to transform our
> local economies."
> So I indeed think that it is important, to make these structures *visible*,
> to make visible where peer-economy is lived already now. And this should not
> only be restricted to p2p urbanism.
> Doesn't it already exist?
> Of course there already exist many specific lists and maps, for
> ecovillages, for fablabs, for hacker spaces, for social institutions etc.
> But what if we manage to link them, to connect them, to make visible that
> they share a common identity?
> How can we achieve that?
> I know that P2P-Foundation is meant as a place where this can happen, and
> the P2P-Foundation wiki probably tries to achieve just that and I think it
> is already a great ressource.
> As it already happens in some Wikipedia articles, it would be great to add
> coordinate-base data to the projects listed in the P2P-Wiki. A database of
> P2P-Projects marked with geographic data can be the raw material for
> building a real map of P2P-economy. Instead of Google, the best platform to
> connect it with is OpenStreetMap, since only there it can truely stay
> Creative Commons.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> On 31.08.2010 19:55, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>   Dear Chris, could you also publish the text below on the regular blog?
> many thanks!   P2P-Urbanism World Atlas: Call for Participation
>   Dear all,
> this is a open invitation to take part to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism
> World Atlas".
> The Atlas is based on Google Maps (
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4<
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>
> <
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4<
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>>).
> Markers on Gmap locate P2P urban interventions.
> According to the ongoing debate on P2P urbanism we are filtering urban
> interventions (implemented projects) fitting in the following statement:
> /
> P2P Urbanism may be understood as that collection of temporary, long-term
> as well as digital urban interventions carried out cooperatively by, amongst
> others, inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public agencies, researchers,
> activists, artists, sociologists, and urban scientists meant to study,
> construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may choose, participate,
> share, and modify theories, methods, and implementation technologies at any
> one time./
> Therefore we are looking for long-term, urban interventions as well as
> smaller, temporary urban and diital interventions which can be understood
> and interpret as P2P urban philosophy. A legend has been used to
> discriminate among:
> (blue) = temporary P2P urban interventions
> (red) = long-term P2P urban interventions
> (green) = other P2P urban-related interventions
> A yellow marker contains instructions and information.
> To take part to the World Atlas project you should send your Gmail account
> to cityleft at gmail.com <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com> <mailto:
> cityleft at gmail.com <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>>. Our ambition is to
> discover an cover every region of the world in which P2P urban interventions
> have taken place.
> You may invite other participants to this project. Since the Atlas is at
> very beginning we expect that some changes will occur in the structure of
> the given information in some time. Participants will be notified of such
> changes. The target is to complete the map before next spring when a
> conference on P2P urbanism will be organized in Rome.
> A Google group has been created to allow feedbacks among participants. Only
> active participants to the Atlas project may visualize and take part to the
> group.
> Regards
> * AgaTino Rizzo *
> Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
> http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/ <
> http://teknologimalaysia.academia.edu/ATR>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Giuseppe Silvi <giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it>
> Date: Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 5:45 PM
> Subject: "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas" and PHILIPS LIVABLE CITIES AWARD
> (deadline 28 Oct 2010)
> To: Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it>
> Cc: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, Antonio Caperna <
> antonio.caperna at yahoo.it>
>   dear all,
> 1)
> a thank you to Stefano for the "Invitation to take part to the editing of
> the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"
> ... for sure  I'll involve the "laquila99.tv's people in taking part to
> this valuable initiative
> 2)
> in my opinion there is a chance to present an idea in the context of the "P2P-Urbanism
> World Atlas" initiative to the "*PHILIPS LIVABLE CITIES AWARD" *
> http://www.because.philips.com/livable-cities-award
> http://www.because.philips.com
> I have been studying the PHILIPS site since some weeks  ..... I am ready to
> coordinate a team of which I hope you want to be part in order to present an
> idea to this award within the deadline fixed for the 28th Oct 2010.
> Some interesting VIDEOS from PHILIPS:
> http://www.youtube.com/user/bitwatt#p/f/6/-wmiNhkptQw
> http://www.youtube.com/user/bitwatt#p/f/7/ePeor5334sQ
> Please send me a feedback and your considerations on the PHILIPS LIVABLE
> The best
> Giuseppe
>   ------------------------------
> *Da:* Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it>
> *A:* Giuseppe Silvi <giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it>
> *Inviato:* Ven 27 agosto 2010, 23:33:20
> *Oggetto:* Invitation to take part to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism
> World Atlas"
> Caro Giuseppe,
> come sai il Gruppo Salìngaros sta organizzando un importante convegno
> sull'urbanistica e l'architettura a misura umana per il prossimo febbario,
> che si terrà a Roma coinvolgendo nomi importanti della filosofia, della
> sociologia, e della scienza, oltre ad alcuni esponenti politici interessati
> una volta tanto ad ascoltare; ma soprattutto giovani studiosi brillanti, che
> come tali insegnano e ricercano all'estero, visto che in patria i baroni non
> li farebbero nemmeno respirare.
> Ora, la P2P Foundation, Michel Bauwens, e aun gruppo di giovani urbanisti,
> programmatori e teorici, organizza insieme a noi un altro convegno che si
> incrocerà con quello romano e ne farà parte: solo che sarà mondiale, e si
> svolgerà tutto online, per il tremite di una ventina di interviste che
> caricheremo sul web, dedicate al tema del P2P Urbanism.
> Ho pensato di coinvolgerti insieme agli amici di L'Aquila99.tv, visto che -
> mi pare - siamo davvero in tema, e in linea.
> Qui sotto trovi l'invito a partecipare al primo step di questa avventura
> open-source. Se devo fare qualcosa fammelo sapere, ma penso che tu hai
> abbastanza canali da dare il booster alla faccenda...
> A presto e cari saluti,
> Stefano
> P.S. Hai voluto la bicicletta...? ;-)
> tino rizzo пишет:
> Dear all,
> this is a open invitation to take part to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism
> World Atlas".
> The Atlas is based on Google Maps (
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4<
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>
> <
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4<
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110538348662963558317.00048e51c3b506aee559b&ll=51.234407,18.720703&spn=31.033478,93.076172&z=4>>).
> Markers on Gmap locate P2P urban interventions.
> According to the ongoing debate on P2P urbanism we are filtering urban
> interventions (implemented projects) fitting in the following statement:
> /
> P2P Urbanism may be understood as that collection of temporary, long-term
> as well as digital urban interventions carried out cooperatively by, amongst
> others, inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public agencies, researchers,
> activists, artists, sociologists, and urban scientists meant to study,
> construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may choose, participate,
> share, and modify theories, methods, and implementation technologies at any
> one time./
> Therefore we are looking for long-term, urban interventions as well as
> smaller, temporary urban and diital interventions which can be understood
> and interpret as P2P urban philosophy. A legend has been used to
> discriminate among:
> (blue) = temporary P2P urban interventions
> (red) = long-term P2P urban interventions
> (green) = other P2P urban-related interventions
> A yellow marker contains instructions and information.
> To take part to the World Atlas project you should send your Gmail account
> to cityleft at gmail.com <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com> <mailto:
> cityleft at gmail.com <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>>. Our ambition is to
> discover an cover every region of the world in which P2P urban interventions
> have taken place.
> You may invite other participants to this project. Since the Atlas is at
> very beginning we expect that some changes will occur in the structure of
> the given information in some time. Participants will be notified of such
> changes. The target is to complete the map before next spring when a
> conference on P2P urbanism will be organized in Rome.
> A Google group has been created to allow feedbacks among participants. Only
> active participants to the Atlas project may visualize and take part to the
> group.
> Regards
> * AgaTino Rizzo *
> Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
> http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/ <
> http://teknologimalaysia.academia.edu/ATR>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> _______________________________________________
> p2presearch mailing listp2presearch at listcultures.org
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> _______________________________________________
> p2presearch mailing list
> p2presearch at listcultures.org
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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