[p2p-research] Special issue tripleC: Capitalist Crisis, Communication & Culture

Franco Iacomella yaco at gnu.org
Wed Sep 1 08:22:05 CEST 2010

-------- Mensaje original --------

>tripleC (cognition, communication,
>co-operation): Open Access Journal for a Global
>Sustainable Information Society.
>Vol. 8. No. 2: Special Issue on Capitalist Crisis, Communication & Culture
>Edited by Christian Fuchs, Matthias Schafranek, David Hakken, Marcus Breen
>Suggested citation: Fuchs, Christian, Matthias
>Schafranek, David Hakken and Marcus Breen. Eds.
>2010. Special issue on “Capitalist crisis,
>communication & culture“. tripleC (cognition,
>communication, co-operation): Open Access
>Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 8 (2): 193-309.
>“Capitalism [
] is approaching an apocalyptic zero-pointâ” (Slavoj Žižek).
>What is the role of communication in the general
>situation of capitalist crisis?
>The global economic downturn is an indicator of
>a new worldwide capitalist crisis. The main
>focus of most public debates as well as of
>economic and policy analyses is the role of
>finance capital and the housing market in
>creating the crisis, less attention is given to
>the role of communication technologies, the
>media, and culture in the world economic crisis.
>The task of this special issue of tripleC is to
>present analyses of the role of ICTs, the media,
>and culture in the current crisis of capitalism.
>The seven papers focus on the causes,
>development, and effects of the crisis. Each
>paper relates one or more of these dimensions to ICTs, the media, orculture.
>Capitalist Crisis, Communication, & Culture ­
>Introduction to thee Special Issue of tripleC
>Christian Fuchs, Matthias Schafranek, David Hakken and Marcus
>Breen (Special Issue Editors)
>pp 193-204
>Computing and the Current Crisis:
>The Significant Role of New Information
>Technologies in Our Socio-Economic Meltdown
>David Hakken
>pp 205-220
>The Virtual Debt Factory: Towards an Analysis of
>Debt and Abstraction in the American Credit Crisis
>Vincent R. Manzerolle
>pp 221-236
>Calculating the Unknown. Rationalities of
>Operational Risk in Financial Institutions
>Matthias Werner and Hajo Greif
>pp 237-250
>Crisis, What Crisis? The Media: Business and Journalism in Times of Crisis
>Rosario de Mateo, Laura Bergés, Anna Garnatxe*
>pp 251-274
>Anglo-American Credit Scoring and Consumer Debt
>in the Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2007 as Models for Other Countries?
>Thomas Ruddy
>pp 275-284
>Crise, Genre et TIC : Recette pour une
>Dés-Union Pronon- cée. L’Exemple de l’Afrique duSud
>(in French)
>Joelle Palmieri
>pp 285-309
>- - -
>Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Fuchs
>Unified Theory of Information Research Group
>christian.fuchs at uti.at
>Personal Website: http://fuchs.uti.at
>NetPolitics Blog: http://fuchs.uti.at/blog
>Research Group: http;//www.uti.at
>Editor of
>tripleC - Cognition, Communication, Co-Operation
>| Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society
>Fuchs, Christian. 2008. Internet and Society:
>Social Theory in the Information Age. New York: Routledge.

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