[p2p-research] the 3 key micro-economic questions for a p2p enterpreneur ...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 08:57:18 CEST 2010

see the question I responded to just below ... how does one survive through
peer production and what's the role of alternative/complementary currencies:

hi edward, I don't have an answer, but I think it is useful to answer 3

1) what part of my activity can be part of the mainstream capitalist
economy, using dominant currencies, in order to guarantee a livelyhood in
the 'really exi...sting' economy

2) what part of my activitiy can generate income streams in the alternative,
more just, counter or complementary economies, eventually using a different
type of currency

3) what part of my activity escapes/transcends both economic systems of
scarcity, and is part of the non-monetary economy of gifting/sharing with
commons and commoners

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From: Facebook <notification+pjiidwm at facebookmail.com<notification%2Bpjiidwm at facebookmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:12 PM
Subject: Edward Harran commented on a post you were tagged in.
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Edward Harran commented on a post you were tagged in.

"On a related-but-tangential note, how do businesses / innovation firm
collaborate / 'take advantage' of all this distributed "awesomeness" going
online? To put it in Clay Shirky terms, what do we do with this Cognitive
Surplus?... besides change consciousness?

How do we collaborate with banks/financial services/ finance / innovation
firms to seed this kind of thinking? innovation that is happening WAY
outside traditional work structures.

I suppose I am in this weird paradox - I am rich spiritually, creativity,
digitally, but I am still not getting paid very much for all this knowledge
I have in my brain. It is all operating in non-market contexts.

How do we reward ( or distribute) financially ( because face it, we need
money to survive in our current economic paradigm).
How do you give to the collective discussion, cognitive surplus style, and
make a living? Especially when the outcomes are slow and emergent?

In the past, because I have had to make money to survive, I haven't had the
time to participate in these kind of virtual campfires....which was
frustating because I have ( I think) valuable things to contribute, and it
puts me in my natural flow state. Giving feels more real and I find my
creativity is enhanced when it comes from that place.

Maybe this is my fear talking but I just thought I would put my #twocents
currently in my head out there.

Wow, that was rant and a half."

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