[p2p-research] Fwd: [opennetcoalition] Sarkozy Exports Repressive Internet

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 12:37:11 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: La Quadrature du Net <jz at laquadrature.net>
Date: Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 5:17 PM
Subject: [opennetcoalition] Sarkozy Exports Repressive Internet
To: opennetcoalition at laquadrature.net

La Quadrature du Net - For immediate release

Permanent link:

Sarkozy Exports Repressive Internet

*** Paris, October 21st, 2010 - A document leaked by La Quadrature du Net
[1] shows that Nicolas Sarkozy is "pirating" an international conference on
online freedom of expression organized by French minister of Foreign
Affairs, Bernard Kouchner. Sarkozy is trying to use the conference as a
showcase to promote the French repressive schemes and to avoid turning it
into a strong statement that online freedom of expression is a condition of
democracy. This instrumentalisation of French diplomacy is a coarse attempt
to export approaches detrimental to fundamental freedoms, thus despising
both republican values and French constitutional jurisprudence [2]. ***

France, through its minister of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Kouchner, is about
to host an international conference on online freedom of expression on
October 27th. A letter signed by Nicolas Sarkozy proves that the latter is
trying to turn this event into a promotion of his repressive vision on the
Internet, and in particular the HADOPI [3] "three strikes" law. Quite
interestingly, this event organization is led by Pierre Sellal, husband of
Vivendi Universal's chief lobbyist [4], who wrote the disastrous "Vivendi
amendment" [5] to DADVSI law (EUCD transposition) and strong supporter of
the HADOPI law..

For the French presidence, this conference should be "the opportunity to
promote the balanced regulatory initiatives carried on by France during
these past three years, and in particular the HADOPI law in the field of
copyright, which has recently been supported by the European Parliament, as
well as the measures taken to fight the new phenomena of cyberciminal.".

Besides the outrageous assimilation of the approval of the Gallo report [6]
to an endorsement by the European Parliament of the HADOPI law, the
President's demand is clear: freedom of expression must not be put before
the crusade against sharing and its absurd repression. It does not matter
that this would give China and other authoritarian regimes an excuse to
instrumentalize copyright as a tool of control and political repression [7].

"This international conference on freedom of expression could become the
Trojan horse of Sarkozy and his friends' repressive and obsolete vision of
the Internet. This coarse manipulation of French diplomacy, disregarding our
most fundamental values, is one more example of the alliance between the
entertainment industries and a few politicians, who seek to control the
public space to remain in power. There is now a huge risk that this
repressive vision of the Internet spreads out to the rest of the world.
Citizens from all around the world should be concerned with this maneuver
and remain watchful" , concludes Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesperson of the
citizen advocacy group La Quadrature du Net.

* Références *


2. See the point 12 of the decision 2009-580:

3. http://www.laquadrature.net/en/hadopi-not-even-scared

4. For a detailled presentation of the various conflicts of interest
surrounding Vivendi: http://paigrain.debatpublic.net/?p=158&lp_lang_view=en


6. http://www.laquadrature.net/en/Gallo_report

7. See a recent example in Russia, where copyright has been used to repress
political opponents:

** About la Quadrature du Net **

La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group that promotes the rights and
freedoms of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for
the adaptation of French and European legislations to respect the founding
principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge.

In addition to its advocacy work, the group also aims to foster a better
understanding of legislative processes among citizens. Through specific and
pertinent information and tools, La Quadrature du Net hopes to encourage
citizens' participation in the public debate on rights and freedoms in the
digital age.

La Quadrature du Net is supported by French, European and international NGOs
including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Open Society Institute and
Privacy International.

List of supporting organisations :

** Press contact and press room **

Jérémie Zimmermann, jz at laquadrature.net, +33 (0)615 940 675


Opennetcoalition mailing list
Opennetcoalition at laquadrature.net

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Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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