[p2p-research] Circular Exchange Trading System

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 16:09:20 CEST 2010

ok, evgeni, I will start forwarding,


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Evgeni Pandurski <epandurski at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi. Here is a short announcement for the release, that I wrote. You may
> send it to other people or blog it if you think it is good enough:
> ===========================================================
> "Circular Multilateral Barter" Beta 2 Release Announcement
> ===========================================================
> We are pleased to announce that the second public beta release of our
> software for peer-to-peer barter exchange is now available. This beta
> release is made available to allow a broad user base to test and
> evaluate the novel approach to bartering that we propose.  The source
> code is available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cmb/
> "Circular Multilateral Barter" (CMB) is free server-side software for
> managing peer-to-peer networks for barter exchange.  CMB advances
> conventional barter by making it multilateral.  It does so by engaging
> peers' trust to decouple the actual delivery of goods from the
> agreement to deliver the goods.  Here are some of the advantages that
> CMB offers compared to traditional approaches:
>  * Traditional approaches (fiat money, barter dollars, LETS points)
>    unfortunately blend social trust into a fragile system of
>    collectivized credit. CMB makes it possible for individuals to use
>    their own judgement in choosing whom they are willing to
>    trust. That is: you supply products to customers who trust you,
>    and you receive products from partners whom you trust.
>  * CMB does not suffer the double coincidence of wants problem. The
>    trader you deliver goods to and the trader you obtain what you
>    need from do not need to be the same person, so there is much more
>    flexibility for arranging trades.
>  * CMB allows virtual money to circulate at infinite velocity so that
>    no real money is actually needed.  That is: trading is not limited
>    by the global scarcity of money or any other commodity.
>  * CMB uses money solely as a standard of value for a short period of
>    time (typically a day). Thus CMB is insusceptible to changes in
>    the value of money.
> You can try the newest version of the software on our demo-site:
> http://www.multiswap.net/

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