[p2p-research] Coalition Movement Camp this Sunday - CORRECTED TIMES

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 07:00:16 CEST 2010

thanks Chris!

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 10:59 PM, Chris Watkins <chriswaterguy at appropedia.org
> wrote:

> Hi Michel - Sorry for the extremely late notice, but perhaps your networks
> would be interested.
>  Coalition Movement Camp: Online Work Party, Sunday 10/10/10<http://blogs.appropedia.org/2010/10/09/coalition-movement-camp-online-work-party-sunday-101010/>
> October 9th, 2010 at 12:40 am October 9th, 2010 at 12:40 am by
> Chriswaterguy <http://www.appropedia.org/User:Chriswaterguy> · Edit<http://blogs.appropedia.org/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=1410>
> *Correction: I had the wrong times here before - partly because of my own
> incompetence with timezones, and partly because of someone else saying EST
> instead of EDT (glad I'm not the only one that gets confused). Corrected and
> clarified now.*
> Only a few  hours to go until the Coalition Movement Camp 10/10/10 Work
> Party - it runs 10 am to 10 pm EDT (that's current NY time), i.e. 2pm to 2am
> GMT. GMT sometimes gets called UTC now.
> This is for all of us who want a new information-action ecology, for
> tackling climate change, and enabling the environmental knowledge,
> innovation and climate action communities.
> Here in Jakarta it's 10 pm to 10 am, so I'll be taking a nap in the middle,
> and I have my caffeine sources on standby. For many of you the hours will be
> better than that, so* sign up at movementcamp.org<http://movementcamp.org/>
> * and stay informed, and there'll be more info on that page when the day
> arrives, with chatrooms and video links.
> There are a growing number of sessions, all about collaborating on tackling
> climate change. There's one on green knowledge trusts (focused on green
> wikis) co-facilitated by Appropedia, and there are plenty more, including:
> Opening session:  *Coalition Brainstorm*. Be ready to think big picture!
>    1. What existing sites/services perform the kinds of functions
>    described in the film? What additional functions are required?
>    2. What might be achieved by linking these sites/services (i.e.
>    interoperability)? What are the challenges?
>    3. What social/ethical protocols are required to sustain creative
>    collaboration between different online audiences (e.g., activists,
>    innovators, green wiki enthusiasts, and so on)?
> 2 hours into the meeting (4pm GMT, 12pm NY time), it's *How Cooperatives
> Can Save the Planet*, facilitated by CoopAgora (online advocates of
> cooperative culture) and the JAK bank (a cooperative, interest-free,
> institution). Can the cooperative ideals of these sorts of organizations be
> used to impact the climate crisis?
> 3 hours in (5pm GMT, 1pm NY time): *The Future of Online Activism*. Joe
> Solomon, social media coordinator for 350.org, leads this one.
> 4 hours in (6pm GMT, 2pm NY time): *Metacurrency* - the attempt to broaden
> out the concept of currency beyond money, to totally refigure standing
> ecologies of production and exchange.
> 5 hours in (7pm GMT, 3pm NY time): *Green Wikis Are Go!* We look forward
> to sharing our experience and vision on building and sharing green
> knowledge, and hearing yours. Later in the session (probably around 8pm GMT,
> 4 pm NY time) we'll also be hearing from *GreenTribe*, a new green
> directory coming online in October. Join the discussion on the future of
> online sustainability!
> It is not too late to register a session of your own. If you'd like to do
> this, please email Michael Maranda (tropology at gmail) ASAP.
> *Can you help us build the Movement Camp?*
> If you'd like to help -- spread the word around! Please forward this email
> to anyone you know who might be interested, and ask them to pass it on too!
> If you can think of suitable mailing lists or discussion groups, post a
> short summary and link to the Movement Camp sign up form<http://movementcamp.org/>.
> The busier and more diverse we can make this event, the more productive and
> exciting it will be for all of us and for our planet.
> --
> Chris Watkins
> Appropedia.org - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
> blogs.appropedia.org
> community.livejournal.com/appropedia
> identi.ca/appropedia
> twitter.com/appropedia
> --
> Chris Watkins
> Appropedia.org - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
> blogs.appropedia.org
> community.livejournal.com/appropedia
> identi.ca/appropedia
> twitter.com/appropedia

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