[p2p-research] Call for papers – Piracy as activism | Re-public: re-imagining democracy

Massimo Menichinelli info at openp2pdesign.org
Mon Nov 29 18:56:40 CET 2010

This call for paper may be interesting for some of you:

Online journal Re-public invites contributions for its upcoming special 
issue titled “Piracy as activism”. This special issue aims to explore 
pirate practices and subjectivities in terms of their resistance to the 
dominant organisations of everyday life.


Possible topics might include:

* Piracy and the control of digital networks
* Pirate networks, pirate markets and the transformation of urban space
* Production, labour and the pirating of copyright, patents, and trademarks
* Piracy and the administration of space
* Pirate economies and the globalisation of capitalism

Essays should be approximately 1,500 – 1,800 words.
Please submit contributions in any electronic format to
e-mail: editors at re-public.gr

Deadline for submissions: 15 December 2010

Massimo Menichinelli

Metadesign for Open Systems, Processes, Projects.
Studying and enabling Design for Open, Collaborative and Complex Systems 
since 2005.


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