[p2p-research] Fwd: I'm making a documentary film about building a new economy

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 11:05:47 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jay Standish <jay.standish at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:54 AM
Subject: I'm making a documentary film about building a new economy
To: jay.standish at gmail.com

     Hello Friends!

I’m excited to tell you about a documentary film I’m producing called
Stories of a New
Alan Rosenblith, Director of
*The Money Fix.*


*We have already begun filming, and will be heading to San Francisco this
week to interview Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia.*


We are looking into whether the economy is just in a recession, or if there
is a more fundamental change afoot; a shift from an Industrial to an
Information Age economy.


*The film will thread together powerful new ideas, business models, **
patterns,** solutions and cultural trends that are beginning to converge
into a fundamentally new form of economy; one that can meet the myriad
challenges facing humanity.* We’re making this film to help us all find a
smooth transition into the new information age economy. Some themes we’ll be
covering are listed below.

Thus far, we have been traveling, filming, researching, writing and building
the website out-of -pocket. We need more co-producers! So we are running a
peer-funding campaign to raise the initial resources to produce a
world-class film with the potential to spread the most promising and
innovative approaches to building a sustainable, beautiful and equitable


*We have raised 23% of our $10,000 target, and we have one month left to
finish.* We are using a service called
a peer-funding platform where people make pledges which only go through if
the full amount is reached within a specific time-frame.

We’re excited by the cumulative effect of all the small donations that have
come in; it shows popular support, and they really add up! We will also need
some large donations to reach our target. Please do spread this widely!

*Click here to show your

Your friend,

*Jay Standish*

*You can follow us on
twitter <http://www.twitter.com/symbionomics>, and our

To learn more, below are some of the themes we will be covering in the film:

1)  *New Media:*  In the last twenty years, a wave of new tools has
transformed the way we communicate. Twentieth century media tools used the
broadcast, or "one-to-many" form, but today, with the advent of social
media, we can, for the first time, communicate on a large scale in a
"many-to-many" pattern. This ease of communication has profoundly affected
how the economy is organized.  We will explore how tools like blogs, mobile
devices and social media have transformed the way people live and work.

2)  *Networks:* These new forms of communication have enabled the geometry
of our organizations to evolve from pyramidal to networked.  In the past we
needed top-down hierarchical organizations to organize on any scale larger
than a village.  Today, we see highly effective organizations that have
embraced a networked structure.  We will explore how living in a networked
world changes the incentives and dynamics of economic interaction.

3)  *Letting Go of Control: *As we have transformed into a networked
culture, we have developed new ways of deriving value from our work.  We
formerly depended on capturing value through the ownership of assets and the
control of production.  Now that access to knowledge and information is at
most a few connections away, many people are opening up control over their
property –physical, virtual and intellectual- in favor of sharing amongst
their networks. The value of visibility in a culture where attention is the
scarce resource is such that access is more important than ownership. We
will explore how new social contracts of ownership and control are gaining
traction in an age of hyper-connectivity.

4)  *Open Production:* As individuals and organizations have loosened their
grasp on their products, an entirely new form of production has emerged.  In
contrast to the industrial production models of the 20th century, today,
people are leveraging commonly-held platforms like open source software,
Wikipedia, and Creative Commons, and a myriad of free web 2.0 tools to
produce significant value. The ubiquity of personal computing has lowered
the cost of access to the means of production to nearly zero. We will
explore the success and future possibilities of this new mode of production.

5)  *Motivation: * With new modes of production come new incentives for
participation and value creation.  Since both monetary reward and power over
others are largely non-existent in the open production model, motivation has
shifted from extrinsic to intrinsic.  What’s more, as Daniel Pink points out
in his book *Drive*, intrinsic motivation is far more successful at educing
creative problem solving in individuals.  We will explore this new
motivational landscape and find out exactly why people do contribute at such
large scales to Wikipedia and other such projects.

6)  *Post-Scarcity Economics:*  In the old economy, the surest way to profit
was to control a scarce resource.  However, many of the products of the
digital age are virtually free to reproduce and distribute.  Industries such
as newspapers and music have been slow to embrace this new reality, and have
subsequently fallen into decline.  The Industrial economy was based on the
increased throughput of material goods, and since natural resources are now
increasingly scarce, for the next economy to enjoy sustained prosperity, it
must be driven by abundantly available resources such as information,
knowledge, and human creativity.

7)  *The Future Work: *Our new communications tools have also changed the
way we organize at the workplace.  The rise of co-working environments such
as The Hub has brought into question whether the 20th century conception of
employment is still a necessary foundation to the economy.  Agile developer
teams that spontaneously arise to build software have proven that successful
teamwork no longer depends on an employer.  We will explore this shifting
landscape around how networks enable self-organized teams create value.

8)  *Social Gaming:*  The recent explosion of smart phone technology has
also seen an widespread integration of gaming into everyday life.  Services
such as Foursquare, SCVNGR, and CheckPoints, have provided windows into new
ways of coordinating economic activity, supporting consumer preferences in
the process. Thought leaders such as Jane McGonigal and Jessie Schell have
emphasized the potential of using game dynamics for social benefit.  Game
theory provides a deeper look into how value can be created via
self-organizing networks of players driven by the joy of play.

9)  *Collaborative Consumption:* In addition to new modes of production
emerging in the economy, we are also seeing the rise of new forms of
consumption.  Rachel Botsman and Lisa Gansky have outlined how new business
models are using web, mobile and social media to enable the efficient
sharing of physical goods, where access trumps ownership. We will explore
how this new trend in consumption is affecting the broader economic

10)         *Making and Growing:* New economic patterns of the information
age are no longer limited to the Internet as the rise of maker communities
and DIY (Do-It-Yourself) demonstrates. 3D printing has made decentralized
manufacturing a real possibility, with designs shared in a global knowledge
commons.  On the agricultural side, gardening and local food has surged in
popularity as the economy continues to languish.  We will explore how people
are using peer-based, open, and collaborative approaches in the broader
economy beyond the digital realm.

11)         *The Future of Currency: *As our economy transforms,
conventional forms of money –optimized for an industrial, capital-intensive
model- may no longer serve the needs of an information-rich world. Money
itself is merely a form of information, and we’ve begun to see people adding
virtual and social currencies into their business models to drive
participation, measure reputation, and creatively access resources.  Much of
the new economy is outside of the formal market entirely, which begs the
question of whether new forms of currency may out-compete money itself as an
economic coordinating system.  We will explore how 21st century information
systems are beginning to reduce the need for conventional money to get
things done.

12) *Collective Intelligence: *As our civilization goes through this massive
transformation, there is a clear need for the intelligence of organizations
to rise to meet 21st century challenges.  Where the 20th century was about
smart employees, the 21st century will be about creating smart
organizations. We will uncover some of the most promising work being done to
maximize collective intelligence and wisdom.

jay.standish //skype
@yodelheck //twitter
jaystandish.com //web
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