[p2p-research] Article - Tim Berners Lee - "Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality"

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 21:24:12 CET 2010

> Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our
> continued prosperity—and even our liberty.
> Like democracy itself, it needs defending

Owners RULE.

Own or Be Owned!

We can continue to beg those who own the physical infrastructure, or
we can begin to co-own for our collective benefit.

Why are we so terrified to take this responsibility upon ourselves?

We, the Users, pay for *all* the Costs of ownership already and pay
Profit as well because we have left the risk-taking to those who
intend to dominate us.

Is it really that difficult to see why they will not listen, when the
artificially scarcity and constructed barriers they create INCREASE
their profits?

Straight to Hell with the begging and pleading!

We, the Users, must organize and co-own so we can then simply ignore
those who would have us pay tribute.

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