[p2p-research] Open Call for Open Science Equipment

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 23:48:42 CET 2010

 Open Call for Open Science Equipment + $50
<kingjacob at gmail.com> Nov 25 10:56AM -0600

Hello everyone,

I'm emailing to announce that The Citizen Science
Quarterly<http://thecitizensciencequarterly.com/>is currently holding
an open call for open source ideas for scientific
equipment. I've attached the full post beloew but in short the goal is
simply to get more people thinking about Open Science Equipment and the best
idea will receive a $50 credit to Ponoko to construct the idea.

Announcement link:


Currently, most of the equipment in “garage” science labs come from
auctions, craigslist and what ever people can scavenge. While occasionally
you can find a gem that doesnt break the bank. Most of whats out there is
usually outdated, broken or missing manuals. If citizen science is expected
to make real discoveries, we need new tools. Specifically tools that are
open source and of good design so that they can be built upon and improved
by the community. Off the top of my head I can think of only 2 open sourced
pieces of equipment that I can go out, buy and be able to use within a week
or two, The Pearl Gel Box <http://www.pearlbiotech.com/> and the
There a few more projects in the early stages of production. But overall
there is a severe lack of Open Science equipment. To help get more people
thinking and designing we are holding a call for Open Science Design Ideas.
And thanks to the support of Ponoko <http://www.ponoko.com/> the best idea
will receive $50 in credit to make their idea.

To enter an idea be sure to follow the instructions below and email your
idea to jacob(at)thecitizensciencequarterly.com

- Describe your idea so a lay person will understand its use.
- To be picked, idea must be able to be built using Ponoko/sparkfun
- Prove that you are capable of completing your idea it i.e. drawings,
CADs, Schematics, past work, whatever you think will convince us.
- Must agree to be licensed under at least a CC
If you'd prefer a more open license thats okay too, just let us know.

On Dec 15th we’ll pick the best idea and they’ll recieve the $50 credit to
put towards the construction of their idea. Good luck brainstorming and If
you have any questions, please leave a comment.

P.s. Thanks again to Ponoko for supporting this project.

Thank You,
Jacob Shiach

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